BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1601alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Helsinki:20181027T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Helsinki:20181027T235900 URL: LOCATION:Urheilutie 1\, 28500 Pori\, Finland SUMMARY:Netrunner Reborn CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:So you thought Netrunner would die after jacking out?\nWrong!\n In the rural grid of Pori a Netrunner tournament is held as part of Insomn ia XX LAN-event in Finland!\nThe megacorp of Pöllökarhut ry\, Owlbear In c\, is organizing a Netrunner tournament as part of Insomnia XX LAN-party in Pori (Finland)\, in Karhuhalli\nParticipation fee for the tournament is the entrance fee to the LAN-Party (10€). Pöllökarhut will also be bri nging their boardgame library with them and we have a dedicated gaming are a!\nSignup and registration starts at 10:00 and the first round starts at 12:00\nRules:\n-snapshot format\n-latest MWL and FAQ are used\n-5 rounds o f SWISS\n-proxies are allowed as per the NISEI standard (real card backing with a paper printout)\n-World Champ cards are allowed as well as the com munity designed Magnum Opus cards\n-after five rounds\, starting with the tournament winner all participants get to choose a prize from the prize po ol\nTickets available at\ nTournament prizes are sponsored by Insomnia XX. All tournament participan ts get a prize!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

So you thought Netrunner would die after ja cking out?




In the rural grid of Pori a Netrunner to urnament is held as part of Insomnia XX LAN-event in Finland!


The megacorp of Pöllökarhut ry\, Owlbear Inc\, is organizing a Netrunner tou rnament as part of Insomnia XX LAN-party in Pori (Finland)\, in Karhuhalli


Participation fee for the tournament is the entrance fee to the L AN-Party (10€). Pöllökarhut will also be bringing their boardgame libr ary with them and we have a dedicated gaming area!


Signup and regi stration starts at 10:00 and the first round starts at 12:00


Rules :\n-snapshot format\n-latest MWL and FAQ are used\n-5 rounds of SWISS\n-pr oxies are allowed as per the NISEI standard (real card backing with a pape r printout)\n-World Champ cards are allowed as well as the community desig ned Magnum Opus cards\n-after five rounds\, starting with the tournament w inner all participants get to choose a prize from the prize pool


T ickets available at


Tournament prizes are sponsored by Insomnia XX. All tournament particip ants get a prize!