BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1595alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20180901T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20180902T235900 URL: hip-2018 LOCATION:Sparbanksvägen 14\, 129 32 Hägersten\, Sweden SUMMARY:Netrunner Nordic Championship 2018 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nNetrunner Nordic Championship 2018\nThe end of an era\, and t he beginning of a new. The final officially supported Nordic Championship for Android: Netrunner is taking place in Stockholm\, Sweden. Details and ticket sales are still in the works so attend this event to get updates.\n NOTE: MWL 2.2 will be in effect at the event. You can find the list here: MWL 2.2\nDates: Saturday the 1st through Sunday the 2nd of September\, 201 8.\nPlace: Alphaspel\, Sparbanksvägen 14 in Stockholm\, Sweden.\nTickets: Soft cap of 52-56 players (depending on interest). Tickets are sold here: 026\nSATURDAY:\nSwiss rounds\n10:00-10:45 – Sign-ups\n11:00 – Start of Swiss rounds\nThere will be 5 or 6 rounds of Swiss depending on player tu rnout. Lunch break after 2nd round.\n19:30-ish – Netrunner quiz at Bisho p’s Arms. Subject to change\, details to come.\nSUNDAY:\nTop cut and sid e event\n10:00-10:45 – Side event sign-ups\, top cut deck checks\n11:00 – Side event and top cut\nSide event: Team tournament of 2-person teams. Each member of the team brings one runner and one corp deck\, but no fact ion may be represented more than once within the team\, and no individual card may be used in more than one deck (i.e. if one runner deck includes S ure Gamble the other may not). Latest MWL\, errata and standard rotation a re all in effect.\nThe teammates will then play in a Swiss tournament with no top cut. Teams will be paired according to normal Swiss rules\, based on the teams’ total prestige. Table talk between team mates and opponent s is encouraged\, and the event is run in a casual atmosphere.\nPre-regist er your teams here:\nPeople can register as free agen ts\, and find team mates later. Any teams who end up missing a team mate ( due to someone making the cut) will be paired together.\nPRIZE SUPPORT:\nT he main event will use the official 2018 nats kit\, with the 1st prize be ing a flight\, and a seat for the next World Championships. Flights are on ly covered if attendance reaches 50 players or more.\nFor the side event s ome older and custom prizes will be handed out.\nQuestions can be asked on Facebook\, or sent to Peder Bergenwall (kollapse on Slack) at peder.berge\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Netrunner Nordic Championship 2018


The end of an er a\, and the beginning of a new. The final officially supported Nordic Cham pionship for Android: Netrunner is taking place in Stockholm\, Sweden. Det ails and ticket sales are still in the works so attend this event to get u pdates.


NOTE: MWL 2.2 will be in effect at the ev ent. You can find the list here: MWL 2.2


Dates: Saturday the 1st through Sunday the 2nd of September\, 2018.\nPlace: Alphaspel\, Sparbanksvägen 14 in Stockholm\, Sweden.\nTickets : Soft cap of 52-56 players (depending on interest). Tickets are sold here: onship-2018-billetter-303026




Swiss rounds


10:00-10:45 – Sign-ups\n11:00 – Start of Swis s rounds


There will be 5 or 6 rounds of Swiss depending on player turnout. Lunch break after 2nd round.


19:30-ish – Netrunner quiz at Bishop’s Arms. Subject to change\, details to come.




Top cut and side event


10:00-10:45 – Side event sign-ups\, top cut deck checks\n11:00 – Side event and top cu t


Side event: Team tournament of 2-person teams. Each member of th e team brings one runner and one corp deck\, but no faction may be represe nted more than once within the team\, and no individual card may be used i n more than one deck (i.e. if one runner deck includes Sure Gamble the oth er may not). Latest MWL\, errata and standard rotation are all in effect.< /p>\n

The teammates will then play in a Swiss tournament with no top cut . Teams will be paired according to normal Swiss rules\, based on the team s’ total prestige. Table talk between team mates and opponents is encour aged\, and the event is run in a casual atmosphere.


Pre-register y our teams here: \nPeople can register as free agents\, and find team mates later. Any team s who end up missing a team mate (due to someone making the cut) will be p aired together.




The main event will use t he official 2018 nats kit\, with the 1st prize being a flight\, and a sea t for the next World Championships. Flights are only covered if attendance reaches 50 players or more.


For the side event some older and cus tom prizes will be handed out.


Questions can be asked on Facebook\ , or sent to Peder Bergenwall (kollapse on Slack) at peder.bergenwall@gmai