BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1589alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20180812T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20180812T235900 URL: LOCATION:Korte Houtstraat 13\, 2511 CC Den Haag\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Den Hague TTK Regionals CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWe will be hosting a Regionals for Netrunner this year. Proba bly one of the last Regionals ever! The best time to join in and make this one of the best events ever! We have a welcoming TO\, great prizes and a lot of players coming from all over the world! So join us in making it leg endary!\nPracticalities:\n\nSign up starts at 10 AM\, first round starts a t 10.30 AM.\nThere will be 4 or 5 rounds of swiss\, followed by a top 4 or 8\, depending on the turn-out. There will be a lunch break after round 2. \nEntree fee is € 20.\nAll decks have to be rotation and MWL compliant. Deck lists have to be brought to the event or filled in there\, and handed over at registration.\nReign &\; Reverie will be legal for the event.\ nProxies are allowed\, as long as it is immediately clear which card it is . Written notes in a sleeve will not be accepted.\n\nRegional prize suppor t:\nTop 64 – Alternate art Amina\nTop 16 – Set of acrylic 1 and 3 cred it tokens\nTop 8 – Engolo playmat\nTop 4 – Acrylic spot-glossed Kabone sa Wu identity card\nFirst place – Regionals trophy and Nationals first- round bye\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We will be hosting a Regional s for Netrunner this year. Probably one of the last Regionals ever! The be st time to join in and make this one of the best events ever! We have a we lcoming TO\, great prizes and a lot of players coming from all over the wo rld! So join us in making it legendary!
\nTop 64 – Alternate art Amina\n Top 16 – Set of acrylic 1 and 3 credit tokens\nTop 8 – Engolo playmat\ nTop 4 – Acrylic spot-glossed Kabonesa Wu identity card\nFirst place – Regionals trophy and Nationals first-round bye