BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1588alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20180721T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20180721T235900 URL: LOCATION:7681 N Union Blvd\, Colorado Springs\, CO 80920\, USA SUMMARY:Reign and Reverie GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us in celebrating the life of the greatest card game ever and the release of the final expansion\, Reign and Reverie.\nRegistration opens at 11:30 and the the tournament starts at 12. Entry fee is $5. Prize s are from the Season 2 kit\, including Alt art Imp\, Alt art Apex\, and H B click trackers. We will also have some additional prize support yet to b e announced.\nWe will be doing drawing for a copy of R&\;R (for those w ho don't already have a copy) and a custom deck box (for those who do).\nR &\;R will be legal for this event. As availability has been limited\, p roxies of R&\;R cards WILL BE LEGAL for this event. Guidelines for usin g proxies will be posted in the comments.\nThis tournament will use the la test MWL Restricted and Ban list as of the day of the tournament.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us in celebrating the life of the grea test card game ever and the release of the final expansion\, Reign and Rev erie.


Registration opens at 11:30 and the the tournament starts at 12. Entry fee is $5. Prizes are from the Season 2 kit\, including Alt art Imp\, Alt art Apex\, and HB click trackers. We will also have some additi onal prize support yet to be announced.


We will be doing drawing f or a copy of R&\;R (for those who don't already have a copy) and a cust om deck box (for those who do).


R&\;R will be legal for this ev ent. As availability has been limited\, proxies of R&\;R cards WILL BE LEGAL for this event. Guidelines for using proxies will be posted in the c omments.


This tournament will use the latest MWL Restricted and Ba n list as of the day of the tournament.