BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:155alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20161210T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20161210T235900 URL: ing-in-a-bank-branch LOCATION:Steinmüllerallee 5\, 51643 Gummersbach\, Germany SUMMARY:2nd BankJob Tournament (Running in a bank branch) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:GNK-Tournament in a bank branch (PORTAL by Volksbank) during op ening times\nLocation: Portal by Volksbank in Forum Gummersbach\, 51643 Gu mmersbach (50 km east of Cologne at the A4)\nCheck-In starts at 09:30\nFor mat: Swiss Rounds without Cut (somax 5 roundsn)\nlanguages : all\nRules: s tandard FFG/Heidelberger\nStarting Fee: 10\,00 €\nfree entrance\nPrizes: official (german) promos\, as cards\, deckboxes and token (2 GNK\, origi nal alt-art "\;Bankeinbruch"\;)\, and two custom playmats.\nI also have some remaining custom alt-art Bankeinbruch from last tournament.\nDe pending on amount of participants i will add cards of the world champion d ecks 2015 (identitys\, collections of each one card of the doubles\, plays ets from included three-offs)\nIn addition i will raffle a custom alt-art Bankeinbruch signed by Dave "\;Cerberus"\; Hoyland!\nThe tournamen t is held during opening times on the main floor of the bank branch.\nThe Forum is also reachable by train from cologne (about 1 hour driving time). \nCar parking is best in the parking garage of the Forum\, the first two h ours are free (please tell on check-in\, so i can "\;free"\; the t icket).\nIn addition to that our host spends each participant a free warm (coffee\, tea\, latte etc.) and a cold drink (Bionade\,juice\,water).\nTh is time there will be free sandwiches (made with love).\nAlso there are ma ny fastfood restaurants and a supermarket in the Forum.\nNext : 3rd Bankjo b-Tournament\nPrevious : 1st Bankjob-Tournament\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
GNK-Tournament in a bank branch (PORTAL by Volksbank) during opening times
\nLocation: Portal by Volksbank in F orum Gummersbach\, 51643 Gummersbach (50 km east of Cologne at the A4)
\nCheck-In starts at 09:30
\nFormat: Swiss Rounds without Cut (so max 5 roundsn)\nlanguages : all
\nRules: standard FFG/Heidelberger p>\n
Starting Fee: 10\,00 €\nfree entrance
\nPrizes: official (g erman) promos\, as cards\, deckboxes and token (2 GNK\, original alt-art "\;Bankeinbruch"\;)\, and two custom playmats.\nI also have some r emaining custom alt-art Bankeinbruch from last tournament.\nDepending on a mount of participants i will add cards of the world champion decks 2015 (i dentitys\, collections of each one card of the doubles\, playsets from inc luded three-offs)
\nIn addition i will raffle a custom alt-art Banke inbruch signed by Dave "\;Cerberus"\; Hoyland!
\nThe tournam ent is held during opening times on the main floor of the bank branch.
\nThe Forum is also reachable by train from cologne (about 1 hour drivi ng time).\nCar parking is best in the parking garage of the Forum\, the fi rst two hours are free (please tell on check-in\, so i can "\;free&quo t\; the ticket).
\nIn addition to that our host spends each particip ant a free warm (coffee\, tea\, latte etc.) and a cold drink (Bionade\,ju ice\,water).\nThis time there will be free sandwiches (made with love).\nA lso there are many fastfood restaurants and a supermarket in the Forum.\nN ext : 3rd Bankjob -Tournament\nPrevious : 1st Bankjob-Tournament