BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1537alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Athens:20180624T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Athens:20180624T235900 URL: LOCATION:Ipolochagou Tsopela 2\, Thessaloniki 546 21\, Greece SUMMARY:Thessaloniki Grim Running CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hobby games in conjunction with Game Inn are hosting a tourname nt in Thessaloniki for the Netrunner Spring Kit 2018.\nRegistration time: 12:30\nRegistration fee: 4 Euros*\nThe gifts*2 for victors and attendees w ill be given out as follows:\nFirst and second place - One set of acrylic Jinteki click counters\, one alternate art NBN: Controlling The Message\, one alternate art Kakugo.\nThird place - One alternate art NBN: Controllin g The Message\, one alternate art Kakugo.\nAll other attendees will get on e alternate art Kakugo.\nLegal up to Kampala Ascendent with Post Rotation rules in effect.\n*Since we're going to be in Game Inn\, purchase of a dri nk is mandatory but also very tasty.\n*2 In case we have more than 6 peopl e\, Hobby Games will give Store Credit to the tournament Victors.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Hobby games in conjunction with Game Inn ar e hosting a tournament in Thessaloniki for the Netrunner Spring Kit 2018.< /p>\n
Registration time: 12:30\nRegistration fee: 4 Euros*
\nThe g ifts*2 for victors and attendees will be given out as follows:
\nFir st and second place - One set of acrylic Jinteki click counters\, one alte rnate art NBN: Controlling The Message\, one alternate art Kakugo.
\nThird place - One alternate art NBN: Controlling The Message\, one altern ate art Kakugo.
\nAll other attendees will get one alternate art Kak ugo.
\nLegal up to Kampala Ascendent with Post Rotation rules in eff ect.
\n*Since we're going to be in Game Inn\, purchase of a drink is mandatory but also very tasty.
\n*2 In case we have more than 6 peo ple\, Hobby Games will give Store Credit to the tournament Victors.