BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1514alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20180825T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20180825T235900 URL: LOCATION:Almby-Norrbyås\, 702 81 Örebro\, Sweden SUMMARY:Örebro Netrunner Regionals CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWelcome to the city's first\, and the game's last\, official Regionals.\nI am Alpha and Omega\, the beginning and the end\, the first a nd the last.\nRevelation 22:13\nSix years of Netrunner and the community i t helped create is worth celebrating\, so we promise that the last Swedish tournament before an possible Nordics will be something special.\nNOTE: M WL 2.2 will be in effect at the event. You can find the list here: MWL 2.2 \nThe tournament:\nTO: Peder Bergenwall\, in collaboration with Lindhska b okhandeln.\nDate and place: 25 August\, Forumhuset at Örebro universitet\ nTime: Registration from 10 or 11 at the first round starts at 11 or 12 (n ot yet decided)\nRounds: Swiss rounds according to no. of players (4-6 rou nds)\, followed by a top cut to 4 or 8. The rounds are 65 min in Swiss\, 4 0 min in top cut\, and 60 min in the Grand Final.\n64 players max.\nDeckli sts: Mail to\, or write on printed slips at the venue.\nTurn in a bye at registration if applicable.\nTournament software :\n\nPrices:\n s/2018/5/16/get-your-thrills-in-netspace/\nRules:\nUp-to-date rules\, FAQ etc. can be found at the FFG website ( n/products/android-netrunner-the-card-game/#/support-section). The first t wo cycles\, as well as the original core set\, has rotated and is therefor e not legal.\nBan/restricted list (MWL) 2.2\, advanced tournament structur e and formal tier applies.\nPlease use or the app Net Deck (iPhone/iPad) to check your deck for legality.\nQuestions regarding the t ournament or visiting/staying in Örebro can be directed at Peder (on Face book or the provided e-mail address above).\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Welcome to the city's first\, and the game's last\, official Regionals.


I am Alpha and Omega\, the beginning and the end\ , the first and the last.\nRevelation 22:13


Six years of Netr unner and the community it helped create is worth celebrating\, so we prom ise that the last Swedish tournament before an possible Nordics will be so mething special.


NOTE: MWL 2.2 will be in effect at the event. You can find the list here: MWL 2.2


The tournament< /strong>:


TO: Peder Bergenwall\, in collaboration with Lindhska bokhandeln.\nDate and place: 25 August\, F orumhuset at Örebro universitet\nTime: Registration from 10 or 11 at the first round starts at 11 or 12 (not yet decided)\nRounds: Swiss rounds according to no. of players (4-6 rounds)\, followed by a top cut to 4 or 8. The rounds are 65 min in Swiss\, 40 min i n top cut\, and 60 min in the Grand Final.\n64 players max.\nDecklists: Mail to\, or wr ite on printed slips at the venue.\nTurn in a bye at registration if appli cable.


Tournament software:\n< /p>\n

Prices:\n ws/2018/5/16/get-your-thrills-in-netspace/


Rules: \nUp-to-date rules\, FAQ etc. can be found at the FFG website (https://www ort-section). The first two cycles\, as well as the original core set\, ha s rotated and is therefore not legal.\nBan/restricted list (MWL) 2.2\, adv anced tournament structure and formal tier applies.\nPlease use Netrunnerd or the app Net Deck (iPhone/iPad) to check your deck for legality.\n

Questions regarding the tournament or visiting/staying in Örebro c an be directed at Peder (on Facebook or the provided e-mail address above) .