BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1505alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20180721T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20180721T235900 URL: ps LOCATION:3300 S Vista Ave\, Boise\, ID 83705\, USA SUMMARY:Boise Regional Championships CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:ABU Games is proud to announce our Android: Netrunner Regional Championships will be part of Gem State Gaming Convention this year in Jul y!\nWhen:\nSaturday\, July 21st\nRegistration @ 9:00 AM\nTournament Start @ 10:00 AM\nEstimated End Time @ 7:00 PM\nWhere:\nWyndham Garden Hotel and Convention Center\n3300 S Vista Ave\nBoise\, ID 83705\nPrice:\nParticipan ts cannot enter without a convention pass. A 1-day convention pass for an individual on Saturday is $20\, but we suggest booking a full 3-day pass w hich is only $35! Part of your admission goes to benefit the Idaho Alzheim er's Associtation! There is no additional fee to participate in the Region al Championship once you have your convention pass.\nTo purchase your conv ention badge\, follow the link below:\nhttps://gemstategamingconvention.or g/index.html#attend/tickets\nPrizes:\nThe prizes are awarded via Fantasy F light Game's Organize Play kit:\n\nParticipants receive an alternate art v ersion of Amina (from Kampala Ascendant)*\nTop 16: Purple and orange one-c redit and three-credit tokens (10 total)\nTop 8: A commemorative playmat f eaturing art from the icebreaker Engolo\nTop 4: A spot-glossed plastic ide ntity card for the Shaper Kabonesa Wu\nRegional Champion: A glass trophy f eaturing Kabonesa Wu\, and a first-round bye redeemable at an upcoming Nat ional Championship!\nAdditional promo cards and acrylic tokens will be mad e available for participants at all levels.\n\n*Limit of 64 copies of Amin a promo\nFor more detail and artwork\, follow this link: https://www.fanta\nThe leg al card pool for this tournament will include the Revised Core Set\, all d eluxe expansions and data packs starting from "\;Upstalk"\; up to and including "\;Kampala Ascendent."\; Deck lists must follow all standard rules\, including adhering to the most recent NAPD Most-Wanted Li st.\nFor questions and concerns\, contact us at ABU Games:\nPhone: (208) 3 76-6019\nAddress: 7211 Colonial St Boise\, ID 83709\nEmail: abu@abugames.c om\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nParticipants can not enter without a convention pass. A 1-day convention pass for an indivi dual on Saturday is $20\, but we suggest booking a full 3-day pass which i s only $35! Part of your admission goes to benefit the Idaho Alzheimer's A ssocitation! There is no additional fee to participate in the Regional Cha mpionship once you have your convention pass.
\nThe prizes are awar ded via Fantasy Flight Game's Organize Play kit:
\nFor more detail and artwork\, follow this link: http s:// ace/
\nFor questions and concerns\, contact us at ABU Games:
\nPhone: (208) 376-6019\nAddress: 7211 Colonial St Boi se\, ID 83709\nEmail: