BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1498alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20180602T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20180602T235900 URL: LOCATION:1406 Harlan Dr\, Bellevue\, NE 68005\, USA SUMMARY:Netrunner Regional 2018 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Netrunner Regional\nENTRY: $15 preregister\, or $20 at the door .\nTo Preregister do either of the following:\nA. Send PayPal payment to g (please double check your spelling)\, include yo ur first and last name and "\;Netrunner Regionals"\; in the memo l ine.\nB. Stop by either of our locations to prepay for your spot.\nC. We d o not take payment over the phone\nNOTE\nRegistration is non-refundable. P articipation prizes will not be reserved if you are unable to attend.\nYou r spot is not guaranteed\, unless preregistered.\nSCHEDULE\n10:00am - Door s open and mandatory check in begins.\n11:45am - Tournament announcements are made.\n12:00pm - 1:05pm Round 1\n1:20pm - 2:25pm Round 2\n2:40pm - 3:4 5pm Round 3 (Players 4-8\, No Cut)\n4:00pm - 5:05pm Round 4 (Players 9-24\ , Top 4 or Players 25-32\, Top 8)\n5:20pm - 6:25pm Round 5 (Players 33-64\ , Top 8)\n6:40pm - 7:45pm Round 6 (Players 65-96\, Top 8)\nDINNER BREAK AT TOP CUT\nFinals (when only two players remain): 60 minutes\nNOTE\nThat th is event is standard constructed\, meaning players can use up to three cop ies of any legal card in deck construction.\nDECK LISTS\nDeck Lists are re quired for this event. They must include your name and all associated card s in both of your decks before the start of the tournament.\nFORMAL TIER\n This tournament level expects players to possess at least a minimal amount of experience. Players should be familiar with the game rules and be prep ared to exercise that knowledge to play at a reasonable pace. Players are expected to avoid confusion about their actions and refrain from other slo ppy play mistakes. The focus is a friendly competitive environment. The Fo rmal Tier is used for Regional Championship events.\nPLAYER MATERIALS\nPla yers are responsible for bringing all of the game components they need to play a game of Android: Netrunner. This includes all cards\, sleeves\, and tokens. They should make sure that they have both one Runner and one Corp deck. When deck lists are required\, players should bring a completed lis t for both decks or arrive at the venue early to fill deck lists out.\nCAR D SLEEVES\nPlayers are required to sleeve their decks in opaque card sleev es for Formal and Premier events. Players may use different sleeves betwee n decks\, but all cards within a single deck must be identical in size\, c olor\, texture\, and condition. At Relaxed events\, if a player is not usi ng opaque card sleeves\, he or she must make sure that all card backs in e ach of their decks have a uniform appearance. Players should bring a few s pare sleeves for each of their decks in case a card sleeve breaks or becom es unusable during a tournament.\nPRIZES\nTo be announced!\nABOUT THE VENU E\nWe sell snacks and drinks such as soda\, water\, chips and candy bars. We do not allow outside food and drinks\, such as: bags of chips\, outside bottles of soda (2 liters) and so on. If you are bringing in your meal an d a drink is included\, that is the exception.\nWe have several fast food options near the store\, five of which are within walking distance:\nKorea n Grill\nJade Palace YxMjyFT4pp\nTaco John's\nJimmy John's htt ps://\nMcDonalds\nH OTELS\nIf traveling from out of town\, we have several hotelsclose by. If there is enough interest\, we will see about getting a block of rooms at a discounted rate for the folks traveling in.\nWood Spring Suites Bellevue\nMicrotel Inn &\; Suites by Wyndham Be llevue\nHampton Inn Bellevue https://goo.g l/maps/TK5Ajad8xLk\nTOURNAMENT REGULATIONS MAY BE FOUND HERE\nhttps://imag 6e551aadd10/adn_tournament_regulations_v30.pdf\nLEGAL PRODUCT LIST\nhttps: //\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Netrunner Regional
\nENTRY: $15 prere gister\, or $20 at the door.\nTo Preregister do either of the following:\n A. Send PayPal payment to (please double check your spelling)\, include your first and last name and "\;Netrunner Reg ionals"\; in the memo line.\nB. Stop by either of our locations to pre pay for your spot.\nC. We do not take payment over the phone
\nNOTE\ nRegistration is non-refundable. Participation prizes will not be reserved if you are unable to attend.\nYour spot is not guaranteed\, unless prereg istered.
\nSCHEDULE\n10:00am - Doors open and mandatory check in beg ins.\n11:45am - Tournament announcements are made.\n12:00pm - 1:05pm Round 1\n1:20pm - 2:25pm Round 2\n2:40pm - 3:45pm Round 3 (Players 4-8\, No Cut )\n4:00pm - 5:05pm Round 4 (Players 9-24\, Top 4 or Players 25-32\, Top 8) \n5:20pm - 6:25pm Round 5 (Players 33-64\, Top 8)\n6:40pm - 7:45pm Round 6 (Players 65-96\, Top 8)\nDINNER BREAK AT TOP CUT\nFinals (when only two p layers remain): 60 minutes
\nNOTE\nThat this event is standard const ructed\, meaning players can use up to three copies of any legal card in d eck construction.
\nDECK LISTS\nDeck Lists are required for this eve nt. They must include your name and all associated cards in both of your d ecks before the start of the tournament.
\nFORMAL TIER\nThis tournam ent level expects players to possess at least a minimal amount of experien ce. Players should be familiar with the game rules and be prepared to exer cise that knowledge to play at a reasonable pace. Players are expected to avoid confusion about their actions and refrain from other sloppy play mis takes. The focus is a friendly competitive environment. The Formal Tier is used for Regional Championship events.
\nPLAYER MATERIALS\nPlayers are responsible for bringing all of the game components they need to play a game of Android: Netrunner. This includes all cards\, sleeves\, and toke ns. They should make sure that they have both one Runner and one Corp deck . When deck lists are required\, players should bring a completed list for both decks or arrive at the venue early to fill deck lists out.
\nC ARD SLEEVES\nPlayers are required to sleeve their decks in opaque card sle eves for Formal and Premier events. Players may use different sleeves betw een decks\, but all cards within a single deck must be identical in size\, color\, texture\, and condition. At Relaxed events\, if a player is not u sing opaque card sleeves\, he or she must make sure that all card backs in each of their decks have a uniform appearance. Players should bring a few spare sleeves for each of their decks in case a card sleeve breaks or bec omes unusable during a tournament.
\nPRIZES\nTo be announced!
\n< p>ABOUT THE VENUE\nWe sell snacks and drinks such as soda\, water\, chips and candy bars. We do not allow outside food and drinks\, such as: bags of chips\, outside bottles of soda (2 liters) and so on. If you are bringing in your meal and a drink is included\, that is the exception.\nWe have several fast food options near the store\, five of which are within w alking distance:\nKorean Grill\nJade Palac e\nTaco John's wXXU2\nJimmy John's\nMcDonalds https://goo .gl/maps/FkvMPXZ1eVz
\nHOTELS\nIf traveling from out of town\, we ha ve several hotelsclose by. If there is enough interest\, we will see about getting a block of rooms at a discounted rate for the folks traveling in. \nWood Spring Suites Bellevue\nMicrotel I nn &\; Suites by Wyndham Bellevue\nHamp ton Inn Bellevue
\nTOURNAMENT REGULA TIONS MAY BE FOUND HERE\n ublic/59/4e/594e2325-e074-430e-914f-c6e551aadd10/adn_tournament_regulation s_v30.pdf
\nLEGAL PRODUCT LIST\n n/op/legality/