BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1491alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20180708T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20180708T235900 URL: nship LOCATION:Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Antwerpen Regional Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nNo shot was fired. No soldiers were mobilized. Instead\, a so litary figure booted up and jacked into the Network from a small café in New Angeles. She wanted to test her newly modded icebreaker\, and she thou ght the best way was to poke around Haas-Bioroid’s R&\;D servers. Wha t she found would make her one of the most-wanted criminals in the solar s ystem. What she found was a chink in the armor of one of the largest and m ost powerful of the world’s massive megacorps. What she found was a reas on to look for more…\nWith the Kitara Cycle coming to a close\, it’s t ime to jack in for the Netrunner Regional Championships. Get ready to smas h into corp servers and expose their nefarious plans. Prepare to blow up t hat outlaw’s apartment and close her accounts. Catch the next hopper out to Outpost Gamecenters in Antwerpen for a full day of Netrunner and some quality prizes.\nAs this is a Formal Tier event\, certain competitive guid elines must be respected. Cards must be sleeved\, decks must be conform to the latest version of the NAPD Most Wanted List (see below)\, decklists a re mandatory and must be handed off to the Tournament Organizer at registr ation. We will be playing four to five 65-minute swiss-paired rounds with a break for lunch\, followed by a Top 4 or Top 8 double-elimination bracke t depending on player turnout. We will be streaming the top table matchups all day on Twitch and hopefully YouTube (see below). Results will be post ed here after completion. Oh\, and we have cookies.\nPRIZE SUPPORT:\nTop l ess than 1 year playing Netrunner – surprise!\nTop 64 – Alternate art Amina\nTop 16 – Set of acrylic 1 and 3 credit tokens\nTop 8 – Engolo p laymat\nTop 4 – Acrylic spot-glossed Kabonesa Wu identity card\nChampion – Regionals trophy and Nationals first-round bye\nEXTRA INFORMATION:\nR egistration - 10:30\nFirst Round - 11:00\nEntry Fee - €15\nCard Pool – up to and including Kampala Ascendant (subject to change)\nMWL – 2.1 (l ink below\; also subject to change)\nTournament Organizer – Thomas Van d er Cruysse (Cluster Fox)\nTournament Marshall – Brian Wynants (Ryanbantw ins)\nTwitch:\nMWL: https://images-cdn.fant /adn_mwl_v21compressed.pdf\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



No shot wa s fired. No soldiers were mobilized. Instead\, a solitary figure booted up and jacked into the Network from a small café in New Angeles. She wanted to test her newly modded icebreaker\, and she thought the best way was to poke around Haas-Bioroid’s R&\;D servers. What she found would make her one of the most-wanted criminals in the solar system. What she found w as a chink in the armor of one of the largest and most powerful of the wor ld’s massive megacorps. What she found was a reason to look for more…< /p>\n

With the Kitara Cycle coming to a close\, it’s time to jack in f or the Netrunner Regional Championships. Get ready to smash into corp serv ers and expose their nefarious plans. Prepare to blow up that outlaw’s a partment and close her accounts. Catch the next hopper out to Outpost Game centers in Antwerpen for a full day of Netrunner and some quality prizes.< /p>\n

As this is a Formal Tier event\, certain competitive guidelines mu st be respected. Cards must be sleeved\, decks must be conform to the late st version of the NAPD Most Wanted List (see below)\, decklists are mandat ory and must be handed off to the Tournament Organizer at registration. We will be playing four to five 65-minute swiss-paired rounds with a break f or lunch\, followed by a Top 4 or Top 8 double-elimination bracket dependi ng on player turnout. We will be streaming the top table matchups all day on Twitch and hopefully YouTube (see below). Results will be posted here a fter completion. Oh\, and we have cookies.


PRIZE SUPPORT:\nTop les s than 1 year playing Netrunner – surprise!\nTop 64 – Alternate art Am ina\nTop 16 – Set of acrylic 1 and 3 credit tokens\nTop 8 – Engolo pla ymat\nTop 4 – Acrylic spot-glossed Kabonesa Wu identity card\nChampion – Regionals trophy and Nationals first-round bye


EXTRA INFORMATI ON:\nRegistration - 10:30\nFirst Round - 11:00\nEntry Fee - €15\nCard Po ol – up to and including Kampala Ascendant (subject to change)\nMWL – 2.1 (link below\; also subject to change)\nTournament Organizer – Thomas Van der Cruysse (Cluster Fox)\nTournament Marshall – Brian Wynants (Rya nbantwins)


Twitch:\nMWL: https://im -6335e2ab3784/adn_mwl_v21compressed.pdf