BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1488alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Edmonton:20180616T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Edmonton:20180616T235900 URL: LOCATION:1835 10 Ave SW\, Calgary\, AB T3C 0K2\, Canada SUMMARY:Android Netrunner: GNK CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Come and run the nets with us as we jack into the end of the Ki tara Cycle. Africa has been kind to both Corps and Runners\, with both sid es getting some much needed tools post rotation. Now is your chance to sho w off your skills and snag some cool prizes in this casual format tourname nt.\nThe prizes:\nAll participants will receive an alternate art Kakugo. N ow you too can annoy runners without net damage protection\, this time wit h style.\nTop 4 will receive their choice of alternate art NBN: Controllin g the Message or a Jinteki click tracker.\nFirst time players will also re ceive prizes from our goody box\, so come out for some exciting Netrunner action. Registration starts at 11\, we will try to get underway by 11:30.\ n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Come and run the nets with us as we jack in to the end of the Kitara Cycle. Africa has been kind to both Corps and Run ners\, with both sides getting some much needed tools post rotation. Now i s your chance to show off your skills and snag some cool prizes in this ca sual format tournament.


The prizes:


All participants will receive an alternate art Kakugo. Now you too can annoy runners without net damage protection\, this time with style.


Top 4 will receive thei r choice of alternate art NBN: Controlling the Message or a Jinteki click tracker.


First time players will also receive prizes from our good y box\, so come out for some exciting Netrunner action. Registration start s at 11\, we will try to get underway by 11:30.