BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1467alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180630T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180630T235900 URL: LOCATION:6 Butler St\, Preston PR1 8BN\, UK SUMMARY:Dice & Donuts 2018 Regional CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us for the first Dice &\; Donuts Netrunner Regional Tou rnament!\nWe're very excited to be hosting this Netrunner Regional on Satu rday 30th June 2018!\nThis will be a competitive level event and players w ill be expected to have a strong understanding of Netrunner.\nTickets are £15 per player\, and this includes a selected drink from our cafe. (We wi ll not be capping this event as we can comfortably seat 134 players. There are no advance sales for tickets)\nCard pool will be everything upto and including Kampala Ascendant\nRegistration will be 9:30am to 10:20am\nRound one will begin at 10:30am.\nDECKLISTS ARE MANDATORY.\nYou can bring a pap er copy on the day\, or email your decklist to by 11pm Friday 29th June.\nTotal number of Swiss Rounds and a Top Cut will be determined by total player count according to the Netrunner Advanced T ournament Structure\, but we expect the day to be completed by 9pm.\nDice &\; Donuts is 2 minutes away from Preston Train station.\nNearest whole day parking is also at Preston Train Station.\nDice &\; Donuts is a fu lly licenced venue with a full bar\, a well stocked kitchen serving hot &a mp\; cold food\, as well as hand made cakes\, and fresh espresso coffees\, hot chocolates and soft drinks\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us for the first Dice &\; Donuts Ne trunner Regional Tournament!


We're very excited to be hosting this Netrunner Regional on Saturday 30th June 2018!


This will be a com petitive level event and players will be expected to have a strong underst anding of Netrunner.


Tickets are £15 per player\, and this includ es a selected drink from our cafe. (We will not be capping this event as w e can comfortably seat 134 players. There are no advance sales for tickets )


Card pool will be everything upto and including Kampala Ascendan t


Registration will be 9:30am to 10:20am\nRound one will begin at 10:30am.


DECKLISTS ARE MANDATORY.\nYou can bring a paper copy on t he day\, or email your decklist to by 11pm Frid ay 29th June.


Total number of Swiss Rounds and a Top Cut will be d etermined by total player count according to the Netrunner Advanced Tourna ment Structure\, but we expect the day to be completed by 9pm.


Dic e &\; Donuts is 2 minutes away from Preston Train station.\nNearest who le day parking is also at Preston Train Station.


Dice &\; Donut s is a fully licenced venue with a full bar\, a well stocked kitchen servi ng hot &\; cold food\, as well as hand made cakes\, and fresh espresso coffees\, hot chocolates and soft drinks