BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1449alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20180616T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20180616T235900 URL: ionals-co LOCATION:6831 W 120th Ave Ste C\, Broomfield\, CO 80020\, USA SUMMARY:2018 Android: Netrunner Regionals (CO) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Match results can be found on\nColorado Regionals 2018 \n\nPRIZE SUPPORT\n\n\nTop 64 – These participants receive an alternate art version of the Criminal decoder\, Amina.\n\nTop 16 – These players c an claim a set of ten acrylic tokens\, seven of the 1-credit tokens and th ree of the 3-credit tokens.\n\nTop 8 – The top eight players earn a comm emorative playmat featuring the art from the icebreaker Engolo—frozen in motion as it breaks down corporate defenses with a powerful kick.\n\nTop 4 – The top four virtual thrillseekers will win a spot-glossed plastic identity card for the Shaper Kabonesa Wu.\n\nFirst Place – A Kabonesa Wu trophy will adorn your wall along with a Regional Championship card that you can redeem for a first-round bye at an upcoming Android: Netrunner Nat ional Championship!\n\nTHE BASICS\nEntry fee: $15\nRegistration: 9am\nStar t Time: 10am\nTournament Tier: Formal\nTournament Structure: Advanced\nDec klist is mandatory!\nThere will be a 30 min lunch break after round 2. The re will also be a dinner break between Swiss and double-elimination rounds . The number of Swiss rounds and size of the cut to double elimination wil l be based on the number of participating players. You may pre-register to day by stopping in or calling Total Escape Games (303) 482-1829.\nWHAT TO BRING\n\nA completed and deck list for both your Corp and Runner deck\nA l egal Corp deck and a legal Runner deck – for legal cards and deck constr uction see below\nOpaque card sleeves for both decks\nThird-party tokens w ill be legal\; dice are not permissible to use to track game state – the y may\, however be used by players to assist in “random” decisions suc h as HQ access or psi-games.\n\nAdditional tournament information can be f ound here.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Match results can be found on
THE BASICS\nEntry fee : $15\nRegistration: 9am\nStart Time: 10am\nTournament Tier: Formal\nTourn ament Structure: Advanced\nDecklist is mandatory!
\nThere will be a 30 min lunch break after round 2. There will also be a di nner break between Swiss and double-elimination rounds. The number of Swis s rounds and size of the cut to double elimination will be based on the nu mber of participating players. You may pre-register today by stopping in o r calling Total Escape Games (303) 482-1829.
\nAdditional tournament information can be found here.