BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1417alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Vancouver:20180506T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Vancouver:20180506T235900 URL: ournament LOCATION:4712 Marine Ave\, Powell River\, BC V8A 2L4\, Canada SUMMARY:Netrunner Game Night Kit Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Organized Play is your portal to connecting with other passiona te players who play the games you love. Our goal is to help players join a global community and create memorable and exciting game experiences all o ver the world.\nMany different levels of Android: Netrunner Organized Play exist so that you can enjoy the game the way you want\, whether you prefe r to focus on casual play at Game Nights\, meet new players at local tourn aments\, participate in the formalized competition of larger events\, or c hallenge the world's best at our Android: Netrunner World Championship in November.\nIn Android: Netrunner\, you and your opponent constantly vie fo r better information\, the strongest economy\, and the control of valuable data. Corps attempt to secure their business plans within massive servers \, layered with lethal traps and formidable ice\, while Runners seek to na vigate these virtual labyrinths. Each cat-and-mouse game is full of bluffs and counter-bluffs\, with vast\, virtual fortunes and the well-being of m illions of people at stake!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Organized Play is your portal to connecting with other passionate players who play the games you love. Our goal is to help players join a global community and create memorable and exciting ga me experiences all over the world.
\nMany different levels of Androi d: Netrunner Organized Play exist so that you can enjoy the game the way y ou want\, whether you prefer to focus on casual play at Game Nights\, meet new players at local tournaments\, participate in the formalized competit ion of larger events\, or challenge the world's best at our Android: Netru nner World Championship in November.
\nIn Android: Netrunner\, you a nd your opponent constantly vie for better information\, the strongest eco nomy\, and the control of valuable data. Corps attempt to secure their bus iness plans within massive servers\, layered with lethal traps and formida ble ice\, while Runners seek to navigate these virtual labyrinths. Each ca t-and-mouse game is full of bluffs and counter-bluffs\, with vast\, virtua l fortunes and the well-being of millions of people at stake!