BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1411alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20180630T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20180630T235900 URL: LOCATION:Avenue du Gouverneur Emile Cornez 1\, 7000 Mons\, Belgium SUMMARY:Tournament - Happy Dés 2018 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Netrunner Constructed Tournament 30/06/18\n• Place : Mons\n • Doors open : 10h00\n• Start : 11h00\n• Prizing : FFG Tournament Ki t (Not confirmed).\n• Price : 5 EUR or Free.\n• Registration is welcom e on the Facebook page of the event.\nTournament rules : Three or Four rou nds of 65 minutes (Swiss System).\nThe last pack out at the tournament dat e will be legal. ALL DECKS MUST ENDORSE THE NAPD Most Wanted List 2.1. Ple ase come with your decklists for registration.\nThis tournament will takes place during the Happy Dés boardgames and card games convention organize d by the club "\;Esprits joueurs"\;.\nNote the address please :\nA thénée provincial Jean d'Avesnes\nAvenue du Gouverneur Emile Cornez\, 1\ n7000 Mons\nFollow the signs while entering inside the school.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Netrunner Constructed Tournament 30/06/18\n

• Place : Mons\n• Doors open : 10h00\n• Start : 11h00\n• Pr izing : FFG Tournament Kit (Not confirmed).\n• Price : 5 EUR or Free.\n • Registration is welcome on the Facebook page of the event.


Tou rnament rules : Three or Four rounds of 65 minutes (Swiss System).


The last pack out at the tournament date will be legal. ALL DECKS MUST EN DORSE THE NAPD Most Wanted List 2.1. Please come with your decklists for r egistration.


This tournament will takes place during the Happy Dé s boardgames and card games convention organized by the club "\;Esprit s joueurs"\;.


Note the address please :


Athénée prov incial Jean d'Avesnes\nAvenue du Gouverneur Emile Cornez\, 1\n7000 Mons


Follow the signs while entering inside the school.