BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1358alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180520T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180520T235900 URL: -tournament LOCATION:85 Station Rd\, Taunton TA1 1PB\, UK SUMMARY:Android: Netunner - Beginner's Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nCome along to the first (of many we hope) Android:Netrunner e vent at The Geek Lab UK!\nWe'll be looking to create a very beginner-frien dly environment\, especially for people taking their first steps into orga nised play\, but all levels of experience are very welcome.\nThe important details:\nLocation: The Geek Lab\, 85 Station Road\, TA1 1PB\nRegistratio n from: 10:00\nFirst round start: 10:30\nExpected finish: 18:00\nDeckbuild ing/legality: Single Revised Core*\nStructure: Swiss rounds (exact number depending on turnout)\nRound length: 80 minutes\nEntry fee: £5\n*Cards fr om the original Core Set which also appear in the Revised Core are perfect ly fine. You do need to bring your own decks and tokens - if you will stru ggle with either of these and still want to play\, let us know and we'll s ee if we can help.\nWe will be running this as the most casual of organise d play events and doing everything we can to maximise comfort and enjoymen t for everyone involved.\nExact prizes TBC\, but there will definitely be 2 deck boxes and a play mat from the most recent Store Championship season up for grabs\, as well as a bunch of promo cards - everyone who plays wil l get at least one prize.\nIf you have any questions at all\, please don't hesitate to let us know in the discussion tab\, or message us directly th rough the Taunton Netrunners page.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Come along to the first (of many we hope) Android:Netrunne r event at The Geek Lab UK!
\nWe'll be looking to create a very begi nner-friendly environment\, especially for people taking their first steps into organised play\, but all levels of experience are very welcome.
\ nThe important details:
\nLocation: The Geek Lab
\, 85 Station Road\, TA1 1PB\nRegistration from: 10:00\n<
strong>First round start: 10:30\nExpected finish
: 18:00\nDeckbuilding/legality: Single Revised Core*\n
*Cards from the original Core Set which also appear in the Revis ed Core are perfectly fine. You do need to bring your own decks and tokens - if you will struggle with either of these and still want to play\, let us know and we'll see if we can help.
\nWe will be running this as t he most casual of organised play events and doing everything we can to max imise comfort and enjoyment for everyone involved.
\nExact prizes TB C\, but there will definitely be 2 deck boxes and a play mat from the most recent Store Championship season up for grabs\, as well as a bunch of pro mo cards - everyone who plays will get at least one prize.
\nIf you have any questions at all\, please don't hesitate to let us know in the di scussion tab\, or message us directly through the Taunton Netrunners page.