BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1357alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180407T093000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20180408T235900 URL: tournament SUMMARY:New Zealand ANR Nationals Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:ANR New Zealand National Championship\nCome celebrate with the NZ ANR community for a 2 day weekend tournament event.\nWhere: Auckland Un iversity - Commerce Building (see map in comments)\nWhen: Saturday 7th Apr il to Sunday 8th April 2018.\nHost Event: PrezCon 2018\nCost will be $20 i f pre-registering before the 31st of March 2018\, or $25 after and on the day of the event.\nLegal Cards:\nMWL 2.1 Will most likely be still in effe ct.\nUp to and including the data pack 'Council of the Crest' (Expected to be in NZ by then.)\nPost Rotation &\; Revised Core Card lists.\nDeckli sts must be submitted by either two methods:\n\nEmailed to the address abo ve before Friday 6th April at 9pm.\nPrinted / handwritten and submitted in person by Checkin close.\n\nRegistration &\; Checkin: from 9:30am to 1 0:15am on Saturday 7th.\nFirst round to start at 10:30am.\nProposed Struct ure assuming more than 21 players.\nRounds will end early if all players f inish before time is called.\nSwiss rounds will be held on the Saturday 7t h.\nDAY 1 - SWISS ROUNDS (65m)\nR1 10:30 - 11:35\nR2 11:45 - 12:50\nLUNCH\ nR3 1:30 - 2:35\nR4: 2:45 - 3:50\nR5: 4:00 - 5:05\nTop cut event will be h eld on the Sunday 8th.\nDAY 2 - TOP CUT (8) (40m except finals 60m)\nR1 - 10:30 - 11:10\nR2 - 11:20 - 12:00\nR3 - 12:10 - 12:50\nLUNCH\nR4 - 1:30 - 2:10 (Lower Bracket 1/4s)\nR5 - 2:20 - 3:00 (Lower Bracket Semi)\nR6 - 3:1 5 - 4:15 (FINALS)\nR7? - 4:15 - 5:15 (FINALS R2 if required)\nSPECIAL NOTE : This event is using the 2017 prize kit\, but if you win\, your bye will be valid for worlds 2018.\nPrize Breakdown for main event:\nTop 64 - 3x Al ternate Art BOOM!\nTop 16 - 10x Red Acrylic 5 Credit Tokens\nTop 8 - 1x Bi ometric Spoofing/Bio-modeled Network Playmat\nTop 4 - 1x Card Tray\nChampi on - National Champion Trophy featuring art from the Android: Netrunner Co re Set (The Masque)\nWe will have various side events during the top cut w hich could include one or any of the following:\n\nCache Refresh tournamen t with a Snare/Weyland GNK prize kit.\nother games in the Android universe .\nChallenge deck matchups.\nIf you don't make the top cut\, here's anothe r chance to win some great prizes.\n\nDetails of a Group dinner out on Sat urday night still to be confirmed.\nThere is hope to have parts of the eve nt streamed LIVE\, which are currently tech &\; operator dependant.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
ANR New Zealand National Championship
\nCome celebrate with the NZ ANR community for a 2 day weekend tournament event.
\nWhere: Auckland University - Commerce Building (see map in comments)\nWhen: Saturday 7th April to Sunday 8th April 2018.\nHost Event : PrezCon 2018
\nCost will be $20 if pre-registering before the 31st of March 2018\, or $25 after and on the day of the event.
\nLegal C ards:\nMWL 2.1 Will most likely be still in effect.\nUp to and including t he data pack 'Council of the Crest' (Expected to be in NZ by then.)\nPost Rotation &\; Revised Core Card lists.
\nDecklists must be submitt ed by either two methods:
\nRegistration &\; Checkin: f rom 9:30am to 10:15am on Saturday 7th.\nFirst round to start at 10:30am.\n Proposed Structure assuming more than 21 players.\nRounds will end early i f all players finish before time is called.
\nSwiss rounds will be h eld on the Saturday 7th.\nDAY 1 - SWISS ROUNDS (65m)\nR1 10:30 - 11:35\nR2 11:45 - 12:50\nLUNCH\nR3 1:30 - 2:35\nR4: 2:45 - 3:50\nR5: 4:00 - 5:05
\nTop cut event will be held on the Sunday 8th.\nDAY 2 - TOP CUT (8) ( 40m except finals 60m)\nR1 - 10:30 - 11:10\nR2 - 11:20 - 12:00\nR3 - 12:10 - 12:50\nLUNCH\nR4 - 1:30 - 2:10 (Lower Bracket 1/4s)\nR5 - 2:20 - 3:00 ( Lower Bracket Semi)\nR6 - 3:15 - 4:15 (FINALS)\nR7? - 4:15 - 5:15 (FINALS R2 if required)
\nSPECIAL NOTE: This event is using the 2017 prize k it\, but if you win\, your bye will be valid for worlds 2018.\nPrize Break down for main event:\nTop 64 - 3x Alternate Art BOOM!\nTop 16 - 10x Red Ac rylic 5 Credit Tokens\nTop 8 - 1x Biometric Spoofing/Bio-modeled Network P laymat\nTop 4 - 1x Card Tray\nChampion - National Champion Trophy featurin g art from the Android: Netrunner Core Set (The Masque)
\nWe will ha ve various side events during the top cut which could include one or any o f the following:
\nDetails of a Group dinne r out on Saturday night still to be confirmed.
\nThere is hope to ha ve parts of the event streamed LIVE\, which are currently tech &\; oper ator dependant.