BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1350alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20180428T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Dublin:20180428T235900 URL: blin LOCATION:1-2 Burgh Quay\, Dublin 2\, Ireland SUMMARY:Fisk Investment Seminar - Dublin CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Hey everyone!\nAnother month another event! This time it'll be held in JW Sweetmans on the quays. We'll be playing in the basement which they'll let us into at noon but gonna register people at 11 so we have loa ds of time and are in no rush to play!\nThis is a casual Netrunner event s o beginners and people of all skill levels are welcome to come play\, chat and have some drinks if you enjoy booze and cards at the same time!\nI've picked up a bunch of new promos\, a lot of which we never managed to get here in the last year so hopefully there will be something for everyone!\n Space is booked for about 12 people but should be able to adjust up no pro blem if needed in this place!\nEntry: Free!\nPrizes: There will be prizes for everyone of alternate art cards and playmats. Top seed will choose the ir prize\, 2nd seed will then pick and so on. I also will have a few extra cardboard FFG deck boxes if anyone would like some on the day!\nLocation: JW Sweetmans\nTime: Reg at 11:00\, First Round 12:00\nWebsite: 0p\nShortcode: L40P\nAnyone who knows what they plan on playing can PM me the details and I'll add it to the tournament page.\nStructure: 3 or 4 swi ss rounds depending on numbers. Players should arrive with one corp and on e runner deck built in line with the latest MWL which is available here:\n -4c45-9273-6335e2ab3784/adn_mwl_v21compressed.pdf\nEvent Type: this is a c asual community event\, beginners are encouraged (everyone is super nice) to come play. I will be judging on the day with help from some others and the internet.\nSo if you're free come along\, drag anyone who wants to lea rn or see the game being played or just wants to sit around and have a few drinks!\nRun Amok Playmat x1\nSmoke Playmat x1\nFFG World Championship 20 17 Playmat x1\nOmar x1\nSmoke x1\nMaxx x1\nChaos Theory x3\nSnare! x3\nSna re! x3\nTeam Sponsorship x3\nBank Job x3\nEli 2.0 x3\nData Raven x3\nPop-U p Window x3\nShaper Click Tracker x1\nCharlatan x2 (not pictured cause I'm dumb)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Hey everyone!
\nAnother month another event! This time it'll be held in JW Sweetmans on the quays. We'll be pla ying in the basement which they'll let us into at noon but gonna register people at 11 so we have loads of time and are in no rush to play!
\nThis is a casual Netrunner event so beginners and people of all skill leve ls are welcome to come play\, chat and have some drinks if you enjoy booze and cards at the same time!
\nI've picked up a bunch of new promos\ , a lot of which we never managed to get here in the last year so hopefull y there will be something for everyone!
\nSpace is booked for about 12 people but should be able to adjust up no problem if needed in this pla ce!
\nEntry: Free!
\nPrizes: There will be prizes for everyone of alternate art cards and playmats. Top seed will choose their prize\, 2 nd seed will then pick and so on. I also will have a few extra cardboard F FG deck boxes if anyone would like some on the day!
\nLocation: JW S weetmans
\nTime: Reg at 11:00\, First Round 12:00
\nWebsite: c\nShortcode: L40P\nAnyone who knows what they plan on playing c an PM me the details and I'll add it to the tournament page.
\nStruc ture: 3 or 4 swiss rounds depending on numbers. Players should arrive with one corp and one runner deck built in line with the latest MWL which is a vailable here:
\n lic/ff/4e/ff4e6f89-6874-4c45-9273-6335e2ab3784/adn_mwl_v21compressed.pdf p>\n
Event Type: this is a casual community event\, beginners are encour aged (everyone is super nice) to come play. I will be judging on the day w ith help from some others and the internet.
\nSo if you're free come along\, drag anyone who wants to learn or see the game being played or ju st wants to sit around and have a few drinks!
\nRun Amok Playmat x1\ nSmoke Playmat x1\nFFG World Championship 2017 Playmat x1\nOmar x1\nSmoke x1\nMaxx x1\nChaos Theory x3\nSnare! x3\nSnare! x3\nTeam Sponsorship x3\nB ank Job x3\nEli 2.0 x3\nData Raven x3\nPop-Up Window x3\nShaper Click Trac ker x1\nCharlatan x2 (not pictured cause I'm dumb)