BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1326alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180418T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180418T235900 URL: ncounter LOCATION:9 Gillygate\, York YO31 7EA\, UK SUMMARY:Netrunner Monthly - Random Encounter CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWelcome to the first Random Encounter Monthly event for Netru nner.\nThe cafe offer a wide range of snacks and drinks\, as well as a ret ro video game lounge (Additional fee for using the consoles). and is a 10- 15 min walk from York Train Station\, located just behind the minster.\nEv ent Info:\nPrice: £5\nReg: 6:30pm\nRound 1: 7pm\nNumber of Rounds: 3\nRou nd time: 60min\nEstimated End time: ~10:15\nBoring format info and event r ules:\nPlayers must bring 1 Corp Deck and 1 Runner deck\, decks must be sl eeved and be MWL2.1 and rotation legal.\nUnofficial Alt art identities are allowed but please bring an official one with you as well.\nUnofficial al t art cards are allowed but can't be in your deck. (Replace the one in pla y with the unofficial card once you install it\, keeping the card separate in your deckbox)\nAs with all 3rd party game pieces\, legality will be th e TOs discretion\, this will only be rejected if they contain overly gory/ violent/disturbing/NSFW images.\nCool Prizes:\nTop 2/3/4 (Depending on pla yers): Alternate Art Sync by Alexis Spicer (Top 2 up to 8 players\, Top 3 9-16\, top 4 16+)\nEntrance prizes: Alt Art Adam with Art by PandaLion (Wh ile supplies last)\nAny questions feel free to contact me on twitter @_Aki Lucky\, and hope to see you there.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Welcome to the first Random Encounter Monthly event for Netrunner.

\n< p>The cafe offer a wide range of snacks and drinks\, as well as a retro vi deo game lounge (Additional fee for using the consoles). and is a 10-15 mi n walk from York Train Station\, located just behind the minster.


Event Info:


Price: £5\nReg: 6:30pm\nRound 1: 7pm\nNumber of Rou nds: 3\nRound time: 60min\nEstimated End time: ~10:15


Boring form at info and event rules:


Players must bring 1 Corp Deck and 1 Run ner deck\, decks must be sleeved and be MWL2.1 and rotation legal.


Unoffic ial Alt art identities are allowed but please bring an official one with y ou as well.


Unofficial alt art cards are allowed but can't be in y our deck. (Replace the one in play with the unofficial card once you insta ll it\, keeping the card separate in your deckbox)


As with all 3rd party game pieces\, legality will be the TOs discretion\, this will only be rejected if they contain overly gory/violent/disturbing/NSFW images.


Cool Prizes:


Top 2/3/4 (Depending on players): Alternate A rt Sync by Alexis Spicer (Top 2 up to 8 players\, Top 3 9-16\, top 4 16+)< /p>\n

Entrance prizes: Alt Art Adam with Art by PandaLion (While supplie s last)


Any questions feel free to contact me on twitter @_AkiLuck y\, and hope to see you there.