BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1296alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20180318T010000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20180325T235900 URL: SUMMARY:System Restart League CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nRegister Here: System Restart League Registration\nMatch Repo rting: System Restart League Match Reporting\nAndroid: Netrunner Penang sc ene returns officially with System Restart League coming in right after Ha ck &\; Crack @ RNG Games.\n============================================ =====\nSystem Restart League is an attempt to bring together players of th e old and new in the effort to revive the Penang Netrunner scene. In this league\, veterans will find themselves dwelling into the nostalgic cards f rom the major deluxe boxes: Creation and Control\, Honor and Profit\, Orde r and Chaos\, as well as Data and Destiny. Meanwhile\, new players who jus t jacked-in with Revised Core will have to force their way to up the ante and prepare for greater challenges ...\nWho shall be victorious in this ne w era of Netrunner?\nThe fresh Netrunners or the returning vets?\n======== ==========================================\nLeague Period: 18/03/2018 - 22 /03/2018\nEntry Fee: RM10 /person\nLeague Card Pool:\nRevised Core + Delux e Boxes exclude TD\n(MWL 2.1 in effect)\nLeague Format:\nChallengeBoards.n et ELO Rating System\nLeague Prize Pool:\n1 Political Operative for ALL pa rticipants\n2 16mm chessex dice each for TOP 4 finishers\n1 Bank Job each for TOP 2 finishers\nDeck building Rules:\nPlayers are given freedom to pl ay any deck within their chosen faction throughout the league as long as t he card choices remain in the allowed Card Pool (Revised Core + Deluxes ex clude TD)\n==================================================\nHow Does Ch ELO Rating Works?\n\nParticipants will need to register an account\, preferably same with NetrunnerDB Username @ ChallengeBoards.n et\n\nFor each game played\, the winning side will have to submit the matc h results at and be verified by the losing player.\nEL O Rating is calculated based on your opponent's performance and your own W in/Lose performance. No restrictions on number of games. However\, even if one player plays a lot of games\, that does not translate into an advanta ge if he loses a lot at the same time OR played against weaker opponents.\ nFor fair play purpose\, players will need to complete a minimum of 5 game s in order to eligible for prizes. Meatspace gaming mandatory.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Register Here: System Restart League Registration


Match Reporting: < a href=\"\">System Restart League Ma tch Reporting


Android: Netrunner Penang scene returns official ly with System Restart League coming in right after Hack &\; Crack @ RNG Games.




System Restart League is an attempt to bring together players of the old and new in the effort to revive the Penang Netrunner scene. In this league\, veter ans will find themselves dwelling into the nostalgic cards from the major deluxe boxes: Creation and Control\, Honor and Profit\, Order and Chaos\, as well as Data and Destiny. Meanwhile\, new players who just jacked-in wi th Revised Core will have to force their way to up the ante and prepare fo r greater challenges ...


Who shall be victorious in this new era o f Netrunner?\nThe fresh Netrunners or the returning vets?


======== ==========================================


League Period:< /strong> 18/03/2018 - 22/03/2018


Entry Fee: RM10 /person


League Card Pool:\nRevised Core + Deluxe Boxes exclude TD\n(MWL 2.1 in effect)


League Format:\ ELO Rating System


League Prize Po ol:\n1 Political Operative for ALL participants\n2 16mm chessex d ice each for TOP 4 finishers\n1 Bank Job each for TOP 2 finishers


Deck building Rules:\nPlayers are given freedom to play a ny deck within their chosen faction throughout the league as long as the card choices remain in the allowed Card Pool (Revi sed Core + Deluxes exclude TD)


========================== ========================


How Does ELO Rating Works?

  1. Participants will need to register a n account\, preferably same with NetrunnerDB Username @\n
  2. \n
  3. For each gam e played\, the winning side will have to submit the match results at and be veri fied by the losing player.
  4. \n
  5. ELO Rating is calculated based on you r opponent's performance and your own Win/Lose performance. No restriction s on number of games. However\, even if one player plays a lot of games\, that does not translate into an advantage if he loses a lot at the same time OR played against weaker opponents.
  6. \n
  7. For fair play purpose\, players will need to complete a minimum of 5 game s in order to eligible for prizes. Meatspace gaming mandatory.
  8. \n