BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1289alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Moscow:20180310T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Moscow:20180310T235900 URL: 2018 LOCATION:5-Y Monetchikovskiy Pereulok\, 3 строение 1\, Moskva\, Rus sia\, 115054 SUMMARY:Moscow Store Championship 2018 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Join us as we open our competitive season.\nThe event will be h eld at 5-Y Monetchikovskiy Pereulok\, 3/1 (Moscow\, Russia)\, Hobby-Cente r "\;Geek-Wars"\;.\nRegistration begins at 11:00\, first round - a t 11:45.\nParticipation Fee: 600-700 RUB *\nPlaying five rounds of swiss w ith Top-4 Cut.\nPrize pool: 1-2 Fisk Investment Seminar alt-art cards for participation\, "\;Smokey"\; cardbox for Top-9\, "\;Smokey&quo t\; playmat for top-4.\nTop-2 gets a set of acrylic virus counters\, and t he winner walks out with a sweet plaque and a bye for Regionals.\nAll pack s up to and including Down the White Nile are legal\, with MWL 2.1 in effe ct.\nDecklists are mandatory.\n\nParticipation Fee and the number of promo s might be adjusted at the event\, depending on the total number of player s that will show up.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Join us as we open our competitive season.< /p>\n

The event will be held at 5-Y Monetchikovskiy Pereulok\, 3/1 (Mos cow\, Russia)\, Hobby-Center "\;Geek-Wars"\;.


Registration begins at 11:00\, first round - at 11:45.


Participation Fee: 600- 700 RUB *


Playing five rounds of swiss with Top-4 Cut.


Pri ze pool: 1-2 Fisk Investment Seminar alt-art cards for participation\, &qu ot\;Smokey"\; cardbox for Top-9\, "\;Smokey"\; playmat for top -4.\nTop-2 gets a set of acrylic virus counters\, and the winner walks out with a sweet plaque and a bye for Regionals.


All packs up to and including Down the White Nile are legal\, with MWL 2.1 in effect.


Decklists are mandatory.