BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1287alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Toronto:20180317T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Toronto:20180318T235900 URL: runner LOCATION:123 Queen St W\, Toronto\, ON M5H 2M9\, Canada SUMMARY:FFG Canadian Nationals: Netrunner CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Breakout Con presents Canadian Nationals for Android: Netrunner .\nExplosions and scandal have rocked the net. Power grabs have followed f alls from grace. Navigate the world of New Angeles and build an empire of code and credits. Join the Canadian Netrunner community and compete for th e most sought after agenda in the country - the title of Canadian National Champion.\nFor more information click the ‘tickets available’ link in the event description or go to d-netrunner.html.\nFor more information on the other amazing events at Bre akout 2018 go to\nSchedule\nDay 1\, March 17th - Check-In: 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM\nDay 2\, March 18th - Check -In: 10:45 AM to 11:15 AM\nEvent Structure*\nThe main event is a Premier T ier event using a Custom Structure\, held over the course of two days. Pla yers must register to play on Day 1 on Saturday\, March 17. Day 1 will fea ture six (6) rounds of Swiss. The Top 8 players\, based on their record in Swiss\, will advance to an elimination round on Day 2 on Sunday\, March 1 8.\nAttendance for the Android: Netrunner National Championship is capped at 50 participants. Decklists are required.\nPrizes\nPrizes for 2018 FFG N ational events have not yet been announced by FFG.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Breakout Con presents Canadian Nationals fo r Android: Netrunner.


Explosions and scandal have rocked the net. Power grabs have followed falls from grace. Navigate the world of New Ange les and build an empire of code and credits. Join the Canadian Netrunner c ommunity and compete for the most sought after agenda in the country - the title of Canadian National Champion.


For more information click t he ‘tickets available’ link in the event description or go to http://f


For more infor mation on the other amazing events at Breakout 2018 go to https://breakout


Schedule\nDay 1\, March 17th - Check-In : 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM\nDay 2\, March 18th - Check-In: 10:45 AM to 11:15 AM< /p>\n

Event Structure*\nThe main event is a Premier Tier event using a C ustom Structure\, held over the course of two days. Players must register to play on Day 1 on Saturday\, March 17. Day 1 will feature six (6) rounds of Swiss. The Top 8 players\, based on their record in Swiss\, will advan ce to an elimination round on Day 2 on Sunday\, March 18.


Attendan ce for the Android: Netrunner National Championship is capped at 50 partic ipants. Decklists are required.


Prizes\nPrizes for 2018 FFG Nation al events have not yet been announced by FFG.