BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1285alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250227T190000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20250227T235900 URL: s LOCATION:A-02-08\, Vantage 10470\, Jalan Desiran Tanjung 4\, Seri Tanjung P inang\, 10470 Tanjung Tokong\, Penang\, Malaysia SUMMARY:Weekly Netrunning @ RNG Games CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nIt is the future. The world has changed. Crime has not.\n---- Android Netrunner: Revised Core Set\nWelcome to the cyber-struggles of th e near future with the Revised Core Set for Android: Netrunner. Whether yo u are new and old fans alike\, the Revised Core Set marks the new era of N etrunner and shall offer plenty to admire.\nThe Weekly Netrunning event is held in the hopes of reviving the Penang Netrunner scene as well as initi ating traces for new young bloods that will shape the future of Penang Net runner community. This event is held together alongside with the "\;LC G Nights"\; event hosted by RNG Games.\nWe hereby invite you to join u s and together we shall build the better future of Netrunning. May 2018 be your year of running !\nVenue: RNG Games\nTime: 7:00pm to 12:00pm\nFormat : All !\nAdmission: FREE - Just buy a drink as a courtesy to support store business\nNotes to newbies\nNew to the game? No worries. Try out our play ers' own prepared teaching decks that follows the official recommended dem o deck and ready to jack in on the fly. So the you'd jacked in and are thr illed to try that feat again? BUY A CORE 2.0 SET \;)\nNotes to oldies\nMis sing out what's hot in the news? NBN (ehem\, FFG in this case) made sure y ou got things right with the revised core set card list published online h ere:\n 5-a0c2-402a-acf3-6e051613e4ca/adn49_cardlist.pdf\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



It is the future. The world has changed. Crime has not.\n- --- Android Netrunner: Revised Core Set


Welcome to the cyber-strug gles of the near future with the Revised Core Set for Android: Netrunner. Whether you are new and old fans alike\, the Revised Core Set marks the ne w era of Netrunner and shall offer plenty to admire.


The Weekly Ne trunning event is held in the hopes of reviving the Penang Netrunner scene as well as initiating traces for new young bloods that will shape the fut ure of Penang Netrunner community. This event is held together alongside w ith the "\;LCG Nights"\; event hosted by RNG Games.


We her eby invite you to join us and together we shall build the better future of Netrunning. May 2018 be your year of running !


Venue: RNG Games\nTime: 7:00pm to 12:00pm\nFormat< /strong>: All !\nAdmission: FREE - Just buy a drink as a courtesy to support store business


Notes to newbies\nNew to the game? No worries. Try out our players' own prepared teachin g decks that follows the official recommended demo deck and ready to jack in on the fly. So the you'd jacked in and are thrilled to try that feat ag ain? BUY A CORE 2.0 SET \;)


Notes to oldies\nMiss ing out what's hot in the news? NBN (ehem\, FFG in this case) made sure yo u got things right with the revised core set card list published online he re:\n -a0c2-402a-acf3-6e051613e4ca/adn49_cardlist.pdf