BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1276alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20180317T140000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20180317T235900 URL: LOCATION:A-02-08\, Vantage 10470\, Jalan Desiran Tanjung 4\, Seri Tanjung P inang\, 10470 Tanjung Tokong\, Penang\, Malaysia SUMMARY:ANR Penang - Hack and Crack CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The return of Penang Netrunner scene marks with the start of Ha ck and Crack!\nSpecially catered for beginners\, this event also offers a challenge for long time / returning Netrunning players with just one Revis ed Core Set legal for deck build. Are you ready for the System Refresh and face the ruthless forgotten ICEs of the Haas-Bioroid? Or would you be buz zed down to death before you get to reach into Jinteki's deep server regio ns?\nGet ready to jack-in when Hack and Crack hits RNG Games @ 17th March 2018 !\nEvent Time\n17th March 2018 (Saturday)\n2:00pm till end\nEvent Ven ue\nRNG Games Penang\nTournament Format\nSwiss rounds only\nLegal Card Poo l\n1 Revised Core Set\n(Card list: Link)\nPrize Pool\n1 Revised Core box t o be cracked open (Player numbers dependent)\nWinners pick at the end of S wiss rounds.\nEntry Fee\nRM20 or A purchase of Revised Core from RNG Games \nWhat is Hack and Crack?\nHack and Crack is an event made to have new pla yers (especially) gathered and test their wits against each other to earn a better priority to COMPLETE the CORE SET. After Swiss rounds\, 1 box of Revised Core Set will be cracked open and separated by each individual car d sets. The Winner of Hack and Crack will be rewarded with the first pick chance to PICK A SET OF CARDS. The picking goes on until last player in th e Swiss\, then goes back up again starting from the last player to pick. A dditional prizes are optional to be given out as a token of reward especia lly to new players.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The return of Penang Netrunner scene marks with the start of Hack and Crack!


Specially catered for beginners\ , this event also offers a challenge for long time / returning Netrunning players with just one Revised Core Set legal for deck build. Are you ready for the System Refresh and face the ruthless forgotten ICEs of the Haas-B ioroid? Or would you be buzzed down to death before you get to reach into Jinteki's deep server regions?


Get ready to jack-in when Hack and Crack hits RNG Games @ 17th March 2018 !


Event Time\n17th March 2018 (Saturday)\n2:00pm till end


Event Venu e\nRNG Games Penang


Tournament Format\nS wiss rounds only


Legal Card Pool\n1 Revised Core Set\n(Card list: Li nk)


Prize Pool\n1 Revised Core box to be crac ked open (Player numbers dependent)\nWinners pick at the end of Swiss roun ds.


Entry Fee\nRM20 or A purchase of Revised Core from RNG Games


What is Hack and Crack?


Hack and Crack is an event made to have new players (especially) gathered and test their wits against each other to earn a better priority to COMPL ETE the CORE SET. After Swiss rounds\, 1 box of Revised Core Set will be c racked open and separated by each individual card sets. The Winner of Hack and Crack will be rewarded with the first pick chance to PICK A SET OF CA RDS. The picking goes on until last player in the Swiss\, then goes back u p again starting from the last player to pick. Additional prizes are optio nal to be given out as a token of reward especially to new players.