BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1274alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180311 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20180312 URL: SUMMARY:1MNR x Cache Refresh CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Register here:\n1MNR x CR Registration\nMatch Reporting:\n1MNR x CR Match Report\nWelcome to 1 Malaysia Netrunner (1MNR) online tournamen t and this time\, players will be jacking in with the system in refreshed state! Featuring Cache Refresh\, this season's 1MNR online tournament will definitely be a challenge to everyone\, both in deckbuilding and also the gameplay as players are dipping into an unknown region of the net.\nEntry Fee:\nRM 10\nEvent Duration:\n11th March - 8th April 2018 (5 weeks)\nEven t Platform:\\nEvent Format:\nSwiss rounds + Top 4 Double Elimi nation (>\;12 players)\nFormat:\nCache Refresh with latest MWL enforced. (Current version: MWL 2.1)\n er_public/d1/8a/d18a385b-069b-4782-b35b-6c1829162222/adn_mwl_v21compressed .pdf\nPrize Pool:\n1 set of Honor and Profit (without box)\n1 pack of ANR card sleeves (feat. Pop-Up Window)\n1 SYNC Alexis Spicer Fan Alt-Art\n1 Om ar Kheung Alt-art promo\nTop winner of the event will have first priority to pick the prize from the prize pool\, followed by the remaining top 4 pl ayers in accordance to the final standings.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Register here:\n1MNR x CR Registration


Match Reporting :\n1MNR x CR Match Repo rt


Welcome to 1 Malaysia Netrunner (1MNR) online tournament an d this time\, players will be jacking in with the system in refreshed stat e! Featuring Cache Refresh\, this season's 1MNR online tournament will def initely be a challenge to everyone\, both in deckbuilding and also the gam eplay as players are dipping into an unknown region of the net.


En try Fee:\nRM 10


Event Duration:\n11th March - 8th April 2018 (5 we eks)


Event Platform:\


Event Format:\nSwiss rou nds + Top 4 Double Elimination (>\;12 players)


Format:\nCache Re fresh with latest MWL enforced. (Current version: MWL 2.1)\nhttps://images 829162222/adn_mwl_v21compressed.pdf


Prize Pool:\n1 set of Honor an d Profit (without box)\n1 pack of ANR card sleeves (feat. Pop-Up Window)\n 1 SYNC Alexis Spicer Fan Alt-Art\n1 Omar Kheung Alt-art promo


Top winner of the event will have first priority to pick the prize fro m the prize pool\, followed by the remaining top 4 players in accordance t o the final standings.