BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1273alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180304T090000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180304T235900 URL: amps LOCATION:1\, Hallam Business Centre\, Hallam St\, Stockport SK2 6PT\, UK SUMMARY:Android: Netrunner Store Champs CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAndroid: Netrunner Store Championships\nEdit: Event now cappe d at 32 players\nMarch 4th 2018\nThis event will be following the FFG Tour nament rules found here:\n ndroid-netrunner-the-card-game/\nCouncil of the crest will be legal!\nMWL 2.1 will be enforced!\nWhat is a Store Championship?\nEvery store in good standing has the opportunity to run a single Store Championship for each g ame supported by Organized Play by pre-ordering a kit six months before it s release. These tournaments are meant to be a highly-accessible introduct ion to the competitive Championship series of tournaments.\nRelaxed Tourna ment Tier: Tournaments at this tier are welcoming to all players\, regardl ess of experience level. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly envir onment. At the Relaxed tier\, the leaders of the event (organizer\, marsha l\, and/or judge) may play in the event as long as there are two or more d esignated leaders.\nBasic Tournament Structure: The Basic tournament struc ture is designed to be very accessible\, especially for newer participants . This structure provides a tournament experience that requires a modest c ommitment of time and resources from organizers and players.\nRegistration from 09:00\nRegistration closes 09:45\nRound 1 starts 10:00\nTickets: £1 0.00\nNumber available: 32 players\n s/EGANRSC-040318\nAddress:\n1st Floor\nHallam Business Centre\nHallam Stre et\nStockport\nSK2 6PT\nEVENT FORMAT\nThe Event will be run using a Swiss format with a random first round draw. Rounds will last 65 minutes.\nThe n umber of Swiss Rounds and Top cut is determined by the Android: Netrunner Tournament Regulations. A Store Champs follows the Basic Structure.\nAs su ch:\n\nif we have 9-24 players we will be playing a 4 round swiss event wi th Top 4 Cut\nif we get 25-32 players we will be playing a 4 round swiss e vent with a Top 8 Cut\n\nThe Event will follow all the Standard Android: N etrunner Tournament rules as found on the FFG site.\nWe will be playing 65 minute rounds\, with a 15 minute break between rounds. There will be a 30 minute break for lunch after round 2.\nAnticipated timings based on 25-32 players:\nRegistration from 09:00\nRegistration closes 09:45\nPre-Event B rief 09:50\nRound 1 starts 10:00\nRound 2 starts 11:20\nLunch starts 12:30 \nRound 3 starts 13:00\nRound 4 starts 14\;20\nTop Cut announced : 15:40\n As the Top Cut is announced all other prizes will will be handed out. Venu e will remain open if players want to hang around and watch the Top Cut.\n The Top Cut is Double Elimination and matches last 40 minutes except the F inal which can last upto 60mins.\nExpected finish time for the Final is 7. 30pm but if we can start rounds earlier we will.\nIf a player fails to mak e the Top Cut or gets knocked out they'll be given their prizes so they ca n leave if they want.\nPRIZE SUPPORT\nDependent on final number. Prizes fr om FFG TBC\n£5.00 per person will be given away in Element Games Store Cr edit vouchers\nTBA\nFood &\; Drink:\nSnacks and drinks will be availabl e on site. It is recommended to bring your own lunch but there are local s hops and Takeaways within walking/driving distance if you want to buy some . You can bring food into the venue\, all we ask is you tidy up after your selves.\nThe venue is a licenced premises and can serve you a large variat ion of hot &\; cold drinks\, soft and alcoholic. No outside drinks may be brought into or consumed on the premises.\nParking/ travel:\nFREE PARKI NG all day outisde in the venues shared/private car par and next door in t he 46 space Council run car park.\nPublic transport: Davenport train stati on is the closest at a 10-15 minute walk but the main Stockport Station is also only 20-25 minute walk (and you'll find more frequent trains). You c an get the bus from Stockport Station for less than £2.00 each way. And t he Bus stops at the end of our road - opposite Premier Inn and is a 2 minu te walk.\nYOUR TICKET &\; REFUNDS\nThis purchase is for a virtual ticke t and no physical product will be sent out to you. If you discover you can 't attend the event we can process a refund for you up to 2 days prior to the event running. Please email\nIf after this date you find you can't attend we won't be able to process a refund for y ou as food\, venue space and prizes will have been bought and paid for.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Android: Netrunner Store Championships


Edit: Event n ow capped at 32 players


March 4th 2018


This event will be following the FFG Tournament rules found here:\nhttps://www.fantasyflightg


Council of t he crest will be legal!\nMWL 2.1 will be enforced!


What is a Store Championship?


Every store in good standing has the opportunity to run a single Store Championship for each game supported by Organized Play by pre-ordering a kit six months before its release. These tournaments ar e meant to be a highly-accessible introduction to the competitive Champion ship series of tournaments.


Relaxed Tournament Tier: Tournaments a t this tier are welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly environment. At the Relaxed t ier\, the leaders of the event (organizer\, marshal\, and/or judge) may pl ay in the event as long as there are two or more designated leaders.


Basic Tournament Structure: The Basic tournament structure is designed to be very accessible\, especially for newer participants. This structure provides a tournament experience that requires a modest commitment of time and resources from organizers and players.


Registration from 09:0 0\nRegistration closes 09:45\nRound 1 starts 10:00


Tickets: £10.0 0\nNumber available: 32 players\n GANRSC-040318


Address:\n1st Floor\nHallam Business Centre\nHallam Street\nStockport\nSK2 6PT




The Event will be run using a Swiss format with a random first round draw. Rounds will last 65 minutes.


The number of Swiss Rounds and Top cut is determined b y the Android: Netrunner Tournament Regulations. A Store Champs follows th e Basic Structure.


As such:


The Event will follow all the Standard Android: Netrunner Tournament rules as found on the FFG site.


We will be playing 65 minute rounds\, with a 15 minute break between rounds. There will be a 30 minute break for lunch after round 2.


Anticipated timings based on 25-32 players:


Registration from 09:00\nRegistration closes 09:45 \nPre-Event Brief 09:50\nRound 1 starts 10:00\nRound 2 starts 11:20\nLunch starts 12:30\nRound 3 starts 13:00\nRound 4 starts 14\;20\nTop Cut announ ced : 15:40


As the Top Cut is announced all other prizes will will be handed out. Venue will remain open if players want to hang around and watch the Top Cut.


The Top Cut is Double Elimination and matches l ast 40 minutes except the Final which can last upto 60mins.


Expect ed finish time for the Final is 7.30pm but if we can start rounds earlier we will.


If a player fails to make the Top Cut or gets knocked out they'll be given their prizes so they can leave if they want.




Dependent on final number. Prizes from FFG TBC


£5.00 per person will be given away in Element Games Store Credit voucher s




Food &\; Drink:\nSnacks and drinks will be availa ble on site. It is recommended to bring your own lunch but there are local shops and Takeaways within walking/driving distance if you want to buy so me. You can bring food into the venue\, all we ask is you tidy up after yo urselves.\nThe venue is a licenced premises and can serve you a large vari ation of hot &\; cold drinks\, soft and alcoholic. No outside drinks ma y be brought into or consumed on the premises.


Parking/ travel:\nF REE PARKING all day outisde in the venues shared/private car par and next door in the 46 space Council run car park.


Public transport: Daven port train station is the closest at a 10-15 minute walk but the main Stoc kport Station is also only 20-25 minute walk (and you'll find more frequen t trains). You can get the bus from Stockport Station for less than £2.00 each way. And the Bus stops at the end of our road - opposite Premier Inn and is a 2 minute walk.




This p urchase is for a virtual ticket and no physical product will be sent out t o you. If you discover you can't attend the event we can process a refund for you up to 2 days prior to the event running. Please email support@elem


If after this date you find you can't attend we wo n't be able to process a refund for you as food\, venue space and prizes w ill have been bought and paid for.