BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1272alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20180310T133000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20180310T235900 URL: 7-2 LOCATION:25b\, Jalan SS 4d/2\, Ss 4\, 47301 Petaling Jaya\, Selangor\, Mala ysia SUMMARY:ANR Store Championship 2017 #2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:The November track for the 2017 Store Championship is finally h ere! Details are as follows:\nDate: 10th March\, 2018 (Saturday)\nStart Ti me: 1:30PM (Registration) 2:00PM (First Round begins)\nEnd Time: Late.\nVe nue: 25C\, Arts &\; Hobbies\nEntry Fee: RM35 per person\nSet Legality: Post rotation MINUS Kitara Cycle!\nRotation and MWL2.1 will be enforced.\n Decklist submission is MANDATORY\, and to be submitted (printed or handwri tten) to the Tournament Organiser (Gene) on the date of the event itself.\ nPrize Structure:\nTop 32: Alternate art Fisk Investment Seminar.\nTop 8: Custom deck box feat. Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak.\nTop 4: Playmat feat . Ele "\;Smoke"\;.\nTop 2: One set of acrylic virus tokens.\nChamp ion: Art plaque and Regional Championship bye.\nLatecomer Warning:\nDue to time constraints\, the organizers have to be strict with the time managem ent during the event. Players arriving within the first 10 minutes after t he start of the first game (2:00PM)\, may proceed with the game with no ex tra time allowed. If you arrive after the first 10 minutes\, you will be g iven a match loss for your first round and can only join the tournament at the second round. We thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the game day proceeds efficiently.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

The November track for the 2017 Store Champ ionship is finally here! Details are as follows:


Date: 10th March\ , 2018 (Saturday)\nStart Time: 1:30PM (Registration) 2:00PM (First Round b egins)\nEnd Time: Late.\nVenue: 25C\, Arts &\; Hobbies\nEntry Fee: RM35 per person


Set Legality: Post rotation MINUS Kitara Cycle!\nRotat ion and MWL2.1 will be enforced.


Decklist submission is MANDATORY\ , and to be submitted (printed or handwritten) to the Tournament Organiser (Gene) on the date of the event itself.


Prize Structure:


Top 32: Alternate art Fisk Investment Seminar.\nTop 8: Custom deck box fea t. Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak.\nTop 4: Playmat feat. Ele "\;Smoke& quot\;.\nTop 2: One set of acrylic virus tokens.\nChampion: Art plaque and Regional Championship bye.


Latecomer Warning:\nDue to time constr aints\, the organizers have to be strict with the time management during t he event. Players arriving within the first 10 minutes after the start of the first game (2:00PM)\, may proceed with the game with no extra time all owed. If you arrive after the first 10 minutes\, you will be given a match loss for your first round and can only join the tournament at the second round. We thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the game day proceeds efficiently.