BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1267alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180304T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20180304T235900 URL: refresh LOCATION:1950 Market St\, Concord\, CA 94520\, USA SUMMARY:Black Diamond Games: Cache Refresh CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nThis will be a relaxed tournament with prize support. All ski ll levels are welcome to participate and I'll be running demos for new pla yers.\nCache Refresh is a constructed format\, for NetRunner\, which limit s the card pool for a single deck to\;\n• 1 Android: Netrunner Core Set (Revised)\n• 1 Deluxe Expansion\n• 1 Terminal Directive\n• The Red S and Cycle (\n• The Kitara Cycl e (\nMWL 2.1 is in effect (https:/ / 35b-6c1829162222/adn_mwl_v21compressed.pdf)\nAvailable Prizes:\nAlt-art Sn are! Core Prize Cards\nAlt-art Weyland Consoritum: Builder of Nations Elit e Prize Cards\nAcrylic Weyland Consortium Click Token Elite Prize Sets\nSp ecial event prizes:\nCustom Alt-Art Archer\nCustom Alt-Art Vanilla\nCustom Alt-Art Lotus Field\nRegistration fee is $5\nAdvance registration is open now\, and available in-store.\nRegistration will be available same day fr om 10:00am-12:50pm.\nPlease have two assembled decks\, one runner and one corp\, ready when you arrive. Due to the LCG format\, pre-assembled decks are not available for purchase.\nIf you are new to the game but interested in joining\, feel free come by the store any Tuesday evening for our week ly LCG night and ask for Justin or Lor. We're always willing to teach and\ , with no established meta and a tightly limited card pool\, cache refresh is a fantastic entry point for new players.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



This will be a relaxed tournament with prize support. All skill levels are welcome to participate and I'll be running demos for new players.


Cache Refresh is a constructed format\, for NetRunner\, which limits the card pool for a single deck to\;\n• 1 Android: Netrunne r Core Set (Revised)\n• 1 Deluxe Expansion\n• 1 Terminal Directive\n • The Red Sand Cycle (\n• Th e Kitara Cycle (\nMWL 2.1 is in ef fect ( b-069b-4782-b35b-6c1829162222/adn_mwl_v21compressed.pdf)


Available Prizes:\nAlt-art Snare! Core Prize Cards\nAlt-art Weyland Consoritum: Bui lder of Nations Elite Prize Cards\nAcrylic Weyland Consortium Click Token Elite Prize Sets


Special event prizes:\nCustom Alt-Art Archer\nCus tom Alt-Art Vanilla\nCustom Alt-Art Lotus Field


Registration fee i s $5\nAdvance registration is open now\, and available in-store.\nRegistra tion will be available same day from 10:00am-12:50pm.


Please have two assembled decks\, one runner and one corp\, ready when you arrive. Due to the LCG format\, pre-assembled decks are not available for purchase.\n

If you are new to the game but interested in joining\, feel free co me by the store any Tuesday evening for our weekly LCG night and ask for J ustin or Lor. We're always willing to teach and\, with no established meta and a tightly limited card pool\, cache refresh is a fantastic entry poin t for new players.