BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1265alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180310T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180310T235900 URL: LOCATION:6 Wellington St\, Aldershot GU11 1DZ\, UK SUMMARY:Netrunner March GNK 2018 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nEvent: Netrunner GNK\nLocation: Games Shop 6 Wellington St\, Aldershot GU11 1DZ\nStart Time: 10:30am for registration with Round 1 at 1 1:00\nPrizes: Various Netrunner promo cards and a GNK kit.\nCost: £5\nDep ending upon numbers likely to be 5 rounds of swiss with a no cut. Since th is is a GNK deck lists are NOT required and there will be NO deck checks d uring the day. If anyone has any questions post them below.\nFor those who have not been here before\, there is parking within a 5-minute walk. Leve l 2 £5.00 all day and Level 3/4 is £3.60 all day\nhttp://www.rushmoor.go\nThe train station is also a 5 minute walk away with direct services to London Waterloo.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Event: Netrunner GNK\nLocation: Games Shop 6 Wellington St\ , Aldershot GU11 1DZ\nStart Time: 10:30am for registration with Round 1 at 11:00\nPrizes: Various Netrunner promo cards and a GNK kit.\nCost: £5


Depending upon numbers likely to be 5 rounds of swiss with a no cut. Since this is a GNK deck lists are NOT required and there will be NO deck checks during the day. If anyone has any questions post them below.


For those who have not been here before\, there is parking within a 5-m inute walk. Level 2 £5.00 all day and Level 3/4 is £3.60 all day\nhttp:/ /


The train station is also a 5 minute walk away with direct services to London Waterloo.