BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1264alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250401T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250401T235900 URL: pperson-table-fee LOCATION:2nd Floor\, 60 Dace Road\, London E3 2NQ\, UK SUMMARY:Magic Madhouse LCG Club: £1 p/person table fee CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWelcome to LCG Club at Magic Madhouse EXP!\nEvery Tuesday we will be providing a space for fans of Living Card Games to have a game wit h their friends\, compete for prizes and meet new players. If you are inte rested in attending please post your game of choice below!\nOur aim is to both build a community and run tournaments with prize support for the more competitive games. Currently on offer are Netrunner\, Game of Thrones and the upcoming Legend of the Five Rings\, however If there is enough demand for any other competitive LCG we will look into running tournaments for t hat as well.\nTravel Info: The nearest stations are Hackney Wick Overgroun d and Pudding Mill Lane DLR (10 minutes walk). You can also get here from Stratford station by crossing the Olympic Park (20 minutes walk)\, we are located the other side of the West Ham Stadium on the River Lea. Check out the photos ->\; albums section of our page for maps showing directions from the nearest stations. Roadside parking is available from 7.30pm and a ll day on Sunday. Food and drink is available to purchase on site. Unfortu nately there is no disabled access at this time.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Welcome to LCG Club at Magic Madhouse EXP!
\nEvery Tu esday we will be providing a space for fans of Living Card Games to have a game with their friends\, compete for prizes and meet new players. If you are interested in attending please post your game of choice below!
\n< p>Our aim is to both build a community and run tournaments with prize supp ort for the more competitive games. Currently on offer are Netrunner\, Gam e of Thrones and the upcoming Legend of the Five Rings\, however If there is enough demand for any other competitive LCG we will look into running t ournaments for that as well.\nTravel Info: The nearest stations are Hackney Wick Overground and Pudding Mill Lane DLR (10 minutes walk). You can also get here from Stratford station by crossing the Olympic Park (20 minutes walk)\, we are located the other side of the West Ham Stadium on t he River Lea. Check out the photos ->\; albums section of our page for m aps showing directions from the nearest stations. Roadside parking is avai lable from 7.30pm and all day on Sunday. Food and drink is available to pu rchase on site. Unfortunately there is no disabled access at this time.