BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1247alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180224T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180224T235900 URL: tournament LOCATION:100 Ballards Ln\, London N3 2DN\, UK SUMMARY:Android: Netrunner \"Onesies\" Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAndroid: Netrunner has relaunched with the Android: Netrunner core set.\nTo ensure this event is accessible to new and returning player s\, we will be adopting the\, or "\;onesies"\; rules. In t his informal tournament\, each deck may only consist of cards from the fol lowing:\n\nOne revised core set (corresponding cards from the old core set and first two cycles are also legal as long as you restrict yourself to t he quantities in the new core set)\nOne deluxe expansion set (Creation and Control\, Honor and Profit\, Order and Chaos\, Data and Destiny\, and Ter minal Directive)\nOne data pack (data packs from the Genesis and Spin cycl es excluded)\nUp to three (or six) copies of any other single card\n\nIn a ddition\, your corporation and runner IDs can be from any legal set. See h ttps:// for more d etail. Note however that the Most Wanted List WILL apply to this tournamen t.\nAll other standard tournament rules will apply.\nPrize pool will be ta ken from the latest game night kit\, and a number of bonus items from rece nt sets.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nAndroid: Netrunner has relaunched with the Android: Netru nner core set.
\nTo ensure this event is accessible to new and retur ning players\, we will be adopting the\, or "\;onesies"\; rules. In this informal tournament\, each deck may only consist of cards f rom the following:
\nIn addition\, y our corporation and runner IDs can be from any legal set. See https://www. for more detail. Note however that the Most Wanted List WILL apply to this tournament.
\nAll other standard tournament rules will apply.
\nPrize pool will be taken from the latest game night kit\, and a number of bonus items from r ecent sets.