BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:122alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20161203T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20161203T235900 URL: LOCATION:5 Union St\, Reading RG1 1EU\, UK SUMMARY:Reading Jank Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:It has been decided that in 'The Spaces Between' Worlds and Sto re Championship Season\, in the virus riddled\, uncharted and unpoliced al leys of cyberspace\, JANK has been brewing!\n£5 Entry\n\nAll released dat apacks will be legal\, normal deckbuilding rules apply\, but you are HEAVI LY ENCOURAGED to avoid playing:\nEngineering the Future\nPalana Foods\nInd ustrial Genomics\nControlling the Message\nNear Eath Hug\nAndromeda\nKate\ nWhizzard\nValencia\nDyper - You know who you are.\nIf you bring one of th ese IDs and it isn't sufficiantly janky\, then prepared to be heaped with opprobrium!\nIf you don't understand what jank is\, I refer you to the sem inal article by Patching\, 2016\nIn addition to wins\, you will receive bo nus points based on people's votes for most janky opponents!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

It has been decided that in 'The Spaces Bet ween' Worlds and Store Championship Season\, in the virus riddled\, unchar ted and unpoliced alleys of cyberspace\, JANK has been br ewing!


£5 Entry


All released datapacks will be le gal\, normal deckbuilding rules apply\, but you are HEAVILY ENCOURAGED to avoid playing:


Engineering the Future\nPalana Foods\nIndustrial Ge nomics\nControlling the Message\nNear Eath Hug


Andromeda\nKate\nWh izzard\nValencia


Dyper - You know who you are.


If you brin g one of these IDs and it isn't sufficiantly janky\, then prepared to be h eaped with opprobrium!


If you don't understand what jank is\, I re fer you to the seminal article by Patching \, 2016


In addition to wins\, you will receive bonus points ba sed on people's votes for most janky opponents!