BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1209alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Chicago:20180304T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Chicago:20180304T235900 URL: elbound LOCATION:3229 Harney St\, Omaha\, NE 68131\, USA SUMMARY:A:NR Store Championship - Spielbound CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nAndroid: Netrunner not only has dramatic and exciting gamepla y\, but a wealth of history\, characters\, and lore to discover\, explore\ , and ruminate on. Come be a part of that history by participating in FFG' s Organized Play. The Store Championship is the easiest way to introduce y ourself to the game and it's vibrant competitive scene. While the winner o f a Store Champ will receive a first round bye in the upcoming regional\, all participants are able - and encouraged - to proceed to regional\, nati onal\, and eventually the World Championship.\nSo come be a part of the fu n\, on Sunday\, March 4th at 1 PM. Participants must purchase a day pass ( entrance free to SB members). We will have some lovely prizes available: p romo "\;Fisk Investment Seminar"\;\, Smoke themed deck boxes\, pla ymat\, and exclusive\, acrylic virus tokens.\n\n"\;Welcome to Net Merc ur\, loyal listeners\,"\; Smoke's silky voice suddenly cuts in\, inter rupting the busy bustle of New Angeles. Her image snaps into place on virt displays all around Broadcast Square and throughout the city. She pushes her flowing\, black hair into place behind her ear as she continues\, &quo t\;On today's daily casts we will be probing deep into the mysterious serv ers of Jinteki. I have been hunting for data on the legend\, Obokata Proto col. You may scoff listener\, but Obokata is real and today we shall revea l it to the world!"\;\nSmoke reaches behind her head\, jamming a wire into the port hidden below her flowing hair. Suddenly\, the broadcast beco mes distorted as we transition into her view of the network. Colors are mu ch brighter here and gravity doesn't seem to follow quite the same rules. Smoke's avatar nimbly flows through cyberspace\, like a graceful dancer\, avoiding imposing barrier ICE and swiftly making quick work of Jinteki's l oyal lapdog\, Komainu.\n"\;At last\, we arrive..."\; Smoke's breat hless whisper trails off in awe of the construct before her. A deep\, dark red field surrounds what looks like a room filled to the brim with filing cabinets. Her avatar\, awash in red light\, reaches out and - Brzzzzzrttt t!!! The broadcast flickers and we briefly see Smoke with a contorted look of anguish on her face. The broadcast goes silent.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Android: Netrunner not only has dramatic and exciting gameplay\, but a wealth of history\, characters\, and lore to discover\, explore\, and r uminate on. Come be a part of that history by participating in FFG's Organ ized Play. The Store Championship is the easiest way to introduce yourself to the game and it's vibrant competitive scene. While the winner of a Sto re Champ will receive a first round bye in the upcoming regional\, all par ticipants are able - and encouraged - to proceed to regional\, national\, and eventually the World Championship.


So come be a part of the fu n\, on Sunday\, March 4th at 1 PM. Participants must purchase a day pass ( entrance free to SB members). We will have some lovely prizes available: p romo "\;Fisk Investment Seminar"\;\, Smoke themed deck boxes\, pla ymat\, and exclusive\, acrylic virus tokens.


"\;Welcom e to Net Mercur\, loyal listeners\,"\; Smoke's silky voice suddenly cu ts in\, interrupting the busy bustle of New Angeles. Her image snaps into place on virt displays all around Broadcast Square and throughout the city . She pushes her flowing\, black hair into place behind her ear as she con tinues\, "\;On today's daily casts we will be probing deep into the my sterious servers of Jinteki. I have been hunting for data on the legend\, Obokata Protocol. You may scoff listener\, but Obokata is real and today w e shall reveal it to the world!"\;\nSmoke reaches behind her head\, ja mming a wire into the port hidden below her flowing hair. Suddenly\, the b roadcast becomes distorted as we transition into her view of the network. Colors are much brighter here and gravity doesn't seem to follow quite the same rules. Smoke's avatar nimbly flows through cyberspace\, like a grace ful dancer\, avoiding imposing barrier ICE and swiftly making quick work o f Jinteki's loyal lapdog\, Komainu.\n"\;At last\, we arrive..."\; Smoke's breathless whisper trails off in awe of the construct before her. A deep\, dark red field surrounds what looks like a room filled to the bri m with filing cabinets. Her avatar\, awash in red light\, reaches out and - Brzzzzzrtttt!!! The broadcast flickers and we briefly see Smoke with a c ontorted look of anguish on her face. The broadcast goes silent.