BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1207alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20180217T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20180217T235900 URL: pionship LOCATION:7385 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd\, Glen Burnie\, MD 21061\, USA SUMMARY:Games and Stuff Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Registration at 10:00 AM. Play starts at 10:30AM. Rounds and cu t size determined by number of participants.\nTentative Schedule for the D ay with 4 rounds of Swiss and cut to Top 4.\n10:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Registr ation\n10:30 AM - 11:35 AM - Round 1\n11:35 AM - 11:40 AM - Transition\, P airings and Door Prizes\n11:40 AM - 12:45 PM - Round 2\n12:45 PM - 1:00 PM - Brief Snack Break\, Transition\, Pairings and Door Prizes\n1:00 PM - 2: 05 PM - Round 3\n2:05 PM - 2:10 PM - Transition\, Pairings and Door Prizes \n2:10 PM - 3:15 PM - Round 4\n3:15 PM - 3:25 PM - Pairings for Cut and Pr izes for Top 4\n3:25 PM - 4:05 PM - Game 1 and 2 of cut\n4:05 PM - 4:10 PM - Transition and Pairings\n4:10 PM - 4:50 PM - Game 3 and 4 of Cut\n4:50 PM - 4:55 PM - Transition and Pairings\n4:55 PM - 5:35 PM - Game 5 of Cut\ n5:35 PM - 5:40 PM - Transition and Pairings\n5:40 PM - 6:40 PM - Game 6 o f Cut\n6:40 PM - 7:40 PM - Game 7 of Cut (if needed)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Registration at 10:00 AM. Play starts at 10 :30AM. Rounds and cut size determined by number of participants.


T entative Schedule for the Day with 4 rounds of Swiss and cut to Top 4.


10:00 AM - 10:30 AM - Registration\n10:30 AM - 11:35 AM - Round 1\n11 :35 AM - 11:40 AM - Transition\, Pairings and Door Prizes\n11:40 AM - 12:4 5 PM - Round 2\n12:45 PM - 1:00 PM - Brief Snack Break\, Transition\, Pair ings and Door Prizes\n1:00 PM - 2:05 PM - Round 3\n2:05 PM - 2:10 PM - Tra nsition\, Pairings and Door Prizes\n2:10 PM - 3:15 PM - Round 4\n3:15 PM - 3:25 PM - Pairings for Cut and Prizes for Top 4\n3:25 PM - 4:05 PM - Game 1 and 2 of cut\n4:05 PM - 4:10 PM - Transition and Pairings\n4:10 PM - 4: 50 PM - Game 3 and 4 of Cut\n4:50 PM - 4:55 PM - Transition and Pairings\n 4:55 PM - 5:35 PM - Game 5 of Cut\n5:35 PM - 5:40 PM - Transition and Pair ings\n5:40 PM - 6:40 PM - Game 6 of Cut\n6:40 PM - 7:40 PM - Game 7 of Cut (if needed)