BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1205alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20180324T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20180324T235900 URL: LOCATION:Rue de la Rouge Croix 24\, 7180 Seneffe\, Belgium SUMMARY:Tournament - Cartazimut 2018 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Netrunner Constructed Tournament 24/03/18\n• Place : Seneffe\ n• Doors opens : 10h00\n• Start : 11h00\n• Prizing : FFG Tournament Kit (Confirmed).\n• Price : 5 EUR.\n• Registration is welcome either b y on the Facebook page of the event or at the Cartazimut website.\nTournam ent rules : Three or Four rounds of 70 minutes (Swiss System).\nThe last p ack out at the tournament date will be legal. ALL DECKS MUST ENDORSE THE N APD Most Wanted List 2.1. Please come with your decklists for registration .\nThis tournament will takes place during the Cartazimut boardgames and c ard games convention.\nNote the address please :\nEspace Culturel de la Sa mme\nRue de la Rouge Croix\, 24\n7180 Seneffe\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Netrunner Constructed Tournament 24/03/18\n

• Place : Seneffe\n• Doors opens : 10h00\n• Start : 11h00\n • Prizing : FFG Tournament Kit (Confirmed).\n• Price : 5 EUR.\n• Reg istration is welcome either by on the Facebook page of the event or at the Cartazimut website.


Tournament rules : Three or Four rounds of 70 minutes (Swiss System).


The last pack out at the tournament date will be legal. ALL DECKS MUST ENDORSE THE NAPD Most Wanted List 2.1. Pleas e come with your decklists for registration.


This tournament will takes place during the Cartazimut boardgames and card games convention.\nN ote the address please :


Espace Culturel de la Samme\nRue de la Ro uge Croix\, 24\n7180 Seneffe