BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:12alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20160417T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Pacific/Auckland:20160417T235900 URL: 16 LOCATION:9/388 Riccarton Rd\, Upper Riccarton\, Christchurch 8041\, New Zea land SUMMARY:Christchurch Store Champs 2016 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Christchurch Store Champs 2016\n\nCost\n$13\nPrizes\nChampion: The winner receives a Store Championship plaque and a card granting one fi rst-round bye at a Regional Championship of the player’s choice.\nTop Fo ur: The top four players each receive one playmat featuring Leela Patel\nT op Eight: The top eight players each receive one Criminal deck box\nEntry: Everyone will receive one Jackson Howard alternate art card. Extra alt ar t Jacksons will be given out based on numbers.\nTimes\n10.00 am - people a rrive\n10.10 am - sign in\n10.30 am - round 1 begins\n11.40 am - round 1 e nds\n11.45 am - round 2 begins\n12.55 pm - round 2 ends\n\n1.00 pm - Lunch \n1.30 pm - round 3 begins\n2.40 pm - round 3 ends\n2.45 pm - round 4 begi ns\n3.55 pm - round 4 ends\n4.10 pm - double elim round 1\n4.50 pm - doubl e elim round 1 ends\n4.55 pm - double elim round 2\n5.35 pm - double elim round 2 ends\n5.40 pm - double elim round 3\n6.20 pm -double elim round 3 ends\n\n6.25 pm - DINNERY\n7.00 pm - GRAND FINALS YO\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
\nPrizes\nChampion: The winner receives a Store Championship plaque an d a card granting one first-round bye at a Regional Championship of the pl ayer’s choice.
\nTop Four: The top four players each receive one p laymat featuring Leela Patel
\nTop Eight: The top eight players each receive one Criminal deck box
\nEntry: Everyone will receive one Ja ckson Howard alternate art card. Extra alt art Jacksons will be given out based on numbers.
\nTimes\n10.00 am - people arrive\n10.10 am - sign in
\n10.30 am - round 1 begins\n11.40 am - round 1 ends
\n11. 45 am - round 2 begins\n12.55 pm - round 2 ends
\n1.30 pm - round 3 begins\n2.40 pm - round 3 ends
\n2 .45 pm - round 4 begins\n3.55 pm - round 4 ends
\n4.10 pm - double e lim round 1\n4.50 pm - double elim round 1 ends
\n4.55 pm - double e lim round 2\n5.35 pm - double elim round 2 ends
\n5.40 pm - double e lim round 3\n6.20 pm -double elim round 3 ends
\n7.00 pm - GRAND FINALS YO