BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1183alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20180210T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur:20180210T235900 URL: t LOCATION:25b\, Jalan SS 4d/2\, Ss 4\, 47301 Petaling Jaya\, Selangor\, Mala ysia SUMMARY:Revised Core Set Tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nThe Revised Core Set tournament is coming soon! Details are a s follows:\nDate: 10th Februrary\, 2018 (Saturday)\nTime: 11am - 3pm.\nVen ue: 25C Arts and Hobbies\nEntry Fee: RM27.\nCard pool: 1x Revised Core Set . Deckbuilding is allowed\, and encouraged. Please note that the MWL will NOT be enforced for this event. As this is a casual event\, decklists do n ot have to be submitted beforehand. Just come and play!\nFor reference\, t he list of cards in the Revised Core Set can be found here:\nhttps://image 051613e4ca/adn49_cardlist.pdf\nPrize pool: 1x Revised Core Set. At the end of the tournament\, the player at 1st place will name a card in the Revis ed Core Set\, and keep all copies of that card. This will continue with th e 2nd\, 3rd\, 4th place etc. until the last place.\nOnce all players are d one\, the process will restart\, but this time from the last place back to 1st. This will be repeated as many times as necessary until all cards hav e been chosen.\nAdditional prizes may be available.\nTournament format: Sw iss.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:


The Revised Core Set tournament is coming soon! Details are as foll ows:


Date: 10th Februrary\, 2018 (Saturday)\nTime: 11am - 3pm.\nVe nue: 25C Arts and Hobbies\nEntry Fee: RM27.


Card pool: 1x Revised Core Set. Deckbuilding is allowed\, and encouraged. Please note that the M WL will NOT be enforced for this event. As this is a casual event\, deckli sts do not have to be submitted beforehand. Just come and play!


Fo r reference\, the list of cards in the Revised Core Set can be found here:

\n 2fa5-a0c2-402a-acf3-6e051613e4ca/adn49_cardlist.pdf


Prize pool: 1x Revised Core Set. At the end of the tournament\, the player at 1st place will name a card in the Revised Core Set\, and keep all copies of that car d. This will continue with the 2nd\, 3rd\, 4th place etc. until the last p lace.


Once all players are done\, the process will restart\, but t his time from the last place back to 1st. This will be repeated as many ti mes as necessary until all cards have been chosen.


Additional priz es may be available.


Tournament format: Swiss.