BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1182alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20180204T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20180204T235900 URL: a-enschede LOCATION:Zuiderhagen 35\, 7511 GJ Enschede\, Netherlands SUMMARY:Store Championship - Comicasa\, Enschede CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\n\nComicasa Store Championship 2018\nSunday\, the 4th of Febru ary\, the Enschede meta will once again have one of their fun and "\;g ezellig"\; tournaments in their local store\; Comicasa.\n↳ Level: Ca sual\n↳ Start: 12.00\n↳ Fee: € 10\,-\n↳ TO: Elwin / Jakuza\n↳ Ma x: 16 runners (12 signed in atm).\n↳ Latest legal datapack: Sovereign Si ght (tbc)\n↳ MWL: 2.0\n\nPre registration recommended due to limited cap acity\n↳ Facebook event: /\n↳ Use the Facebook event to pre register and contact the TO. Stimhack Slack and Facebook are the fastest ways to reach the TO.\nPre registratio n: Recommended\, as due to limited table space at the store and a limited amount of play time\, we are limited to 16 runners max.\n\n↳ Registered Runners (signed in):\n\nMichiel "\;Maze"\;\nJason Wilson "\;Sl ightly Miffed Canadian"\;\nBas Slootweg "\;Basti0n"\;\nJan Jaa p "\;Nismorack"\;\nRoel van der Hoorn "\;RvdH83"\;\nGijs & quot\;Magnetar"\;\nJohan Hermsen\nWalter "\;Natte Tosti"\;\nMe lvin Dekker\nKonstantine "\;Kelfecil"\;\nRoderick\nThorsten "\ ;Hlinks"\;\nAlex "\;Pumego"\;\nRene "\;DaHill"\;\n\nEl win "\;Jakuza"\; (TO only plays when not at max capacity).\n\n\nTh e Loot\nFor every contestant there are participation promos. In addition t here are the usual top 4 mats\, boxes\, etcetera. The TO will add extra cu stom prizing on top.\nAll: Alternate art Fisk Investment Seminar.\nTop 8: Custom deck box ft. Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak.\nTop 4: Playmat ft. El e "\;Smoke"\;.\nTop 2: Set of acrylic virus tokens.\nChampion: Art plaque and Regional Championship bye.\n\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
Sunday\, the 4th of Febru ary\, the Enschede meta will once again have one of their fun and "\;g ezellig"\; tournaments in their local store\; Comicasa.
\n↳ Le vel: Casual\n↳ Start: 12.00\n↳ Fee: € 10\,-\n↳ TO: Elwin / Jakuza\ n↳ Max: 16 runners (12 signed in atm).
\n↳ Latest legal datapack : Sovereign Sight (tbc)\n↳ MWL: 2.0
\n↳ Facebook event: https://www\n↳ Use the Facebook event to pre r egister and contact the TO. Stimhack Slack and Facebook are the fastest wa ys to reach the TO.
\nPre registration: Recommended\, as due to limi ted table space at the store and a limited amount of play time\, we are li mited to 16 runners max.
\nFor every contestant there are participation promos. In addition there are the usual top 4 mats\, boxes\, etcetera. The TO will a dd extra custom prizing on top.
\nAll: Alternate art Fisk Investment Seminar.\nTop 8: Custom deck box ft. Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak.\nTop 4: Playmat ft. Ele "\;Smoke"\;.\nTop 2: Set of acrylic virus toke ns.\nChampion: Art plaque and Regional Championship bye.