BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:118alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20170107T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20170107T235900 URL: hip LOCATION:223 S Pete Ellis Dr\, Bloomington\, IN 47408\, USA SUMMARY:Common Room Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\n2016 Store Championship at The Common Room\, Bloomington\, IN \, USA. Prizes include the standard 2016 Store Championship kit (Regionals bye and trophy for champion\, Run Amok mats for top four finishers\, Run Amok deckboxes for the top 8\; Femme Fatale tokens for top two finishers\, and alternate art PAD Campaigns for top 32).\nAdditional prizes include: two Layla Rei glass click trackers to be raffled off to two finishers endi ng in 5th place or lower\; custom acrylic Temüjin Contract tokens for top 32 finishers\; five alternate art ANRPC ID cards to be raffled off to fiv e finishers ending in 5th place or lower\; Scorched Earth prize TBD for la st place.\nMost Wanted List will be in effect\, as will all current FAQ/er rata. Decklists will be required. Registration starts at noon\, with first round pairings and cards on the table at 1pm sharp.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
2016 Store Champions hip at The Common Room\, Bloomington\, IN\, USA. Prizes include the standa rd 2016 Store Championship kit (Regionals bye and trophy for champion\, Ru n Amok mats for top four finishers\, Run Amok deckboxes for the top 8\; Fe mme Fatale tokens for top two finishers\, and alternate art PAD Campaigns for top 32).
\nAdditional prizes include: two Layla Rei glass click trackers to be raffled off to two finishers ending in 5th place or lower\; custom acrylic Temüjin Contract tokens for top 32 finishers\; five alter nate art ANRPC ID cards to be raffled off to five finishers ending in 5th place or lower\; Scorched Earth prize TBD for last place.
\nMost Wan ted List will be in effect\, as will all current FAQ/errata. Decklists wil l be required. Registration starts at noon\, with first round pairings and cards on the table at 1pm sharp.