BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1155alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180317T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180317T235900 URL: ship LOCATION:6 Butler St\, Preston PR1 8BN\, UK SUMMARY:Dice & Donuts Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nJoin us for the 3rd Dice &\; Donuts Netrunner Store Champi onship!\nTickets will be £10 per player.\nRegistration starts at 11am. De cklists must be submitted.\nRound 1 will begin at 11:30am.\nTotal number o f Swiss Rounds and a Top Cut will be determined by total player count\, bu t we expect the day to be completed by 8pm.\nDice &\; Donuts is 2 minut es away from Preston Train station.\nNearest whole day parking is also at Preston Train Station.\nDice &\; Donuts is a fully licenced venue with a full bar\, a well stocked kitchen serving hot &\; cold food\, as well as hand made cakes\, and fresh espresso coffees\, hot chocolates and soft drinks.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Join us for the 3rd Dice &\; Donuts Netrunner Store Cham pionship!


Tickets will be £10 per player.


Registration st arts at 11am. Decklists must be submitted.


Round 1 will begin at 1 1:30am.


Total number of Swiss Rounds and a Top Cut will be determi ned by total player count\, but we expect the day to be completed by 8pm.< /p>\n

Dice &\; Donuts is 2 minutes away from Preston Train station.\n Nearest whole day parking is also at Preston Train Station.


Dice & amp\; Donuts is a fully licenced venue with a full bar\, a well stocked ki tchen serving hot &\; cold food\, as well as hand made cakes\, and fres h espresso coffees\, hot chocolates and soft drinks.