BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1135alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180123T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180123T235900 URL: ning LOCATION:Pickfords Wharf\, Clink Street\, London\, Greater London SE1 9DG\, UK SUMMARY:Thameside Revised Core Evening CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nTo celebrate the release of the Revised Core Set\, the London City Grid is holding a REVISED CORE EVENING on January 23rd. This is a ch ance for new players to meet the London community and play some Netrunner without having to worry about loads of cards they've never seen. So ...\nN EW PLAYERS: Bring a couple of decks made from your shiny\, new\, beautiful core set! Don't worry if you have rules questions or similar: the London City Grid is here to help. And if you're on the fence about buying a core set\, come down anyway and try the game out. It's dead good.\nMORE EXPERIE NCED PLAYERS: Bring decks made from cards in the new core set!\nAlso\, if anybody that's been playing for a while has any spare IDs\, alt-arts\, or extra copies of cards that aren't 3x in the new core\, and doesn't mind gi ving them away\, then please bring them along too. As Confucius said\, bri bery is the shortest path to new friends [citation needed].\nHope to see y ou all on the 23rd! We'll be downstairs in the pub (unless it's booked\, i n which case we'll be just down the road in The Sheaf).\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
To celebrate the release of the Revised Core Set\, the London City Grid is holding a REVISED CORE EVENING on January 23rd. This is a chance f or new players to meet the London community and play some Netrunner withou t having to worry about loads of cards they've never seen. So ...
\nNEW PLAYERS: Bring a couple of decks made from your shiny\, new\, beautifu l core set! Don't worry if you have rules questions or similar: the London City Grid is here to help. And if you're on the fence about buying a core set\, come down anyway and try the game out. It's dead good.
\nMORE EXPERIENCED PLAYERS: Bring decks made from cards in the new core set!
\nAlso\, if anybody that's been playing for a while has any spare IDs\, alt-arts\, or extra copies of cards that aren't 3x in the new core\, and doesn't mind giving them away\, then please bring them along too. As Confu cius said\, bribery is the shortest path to new friends [citation needed].
\nHope to see you all on the 23rd! We'll be downstairs in the pub ( unless it's booked\, in which case we'll be just down the road in The Shea f).