BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1134alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20180128T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20180128T235900 URL: re-championship LOCATION:In the Red Lobster Plaza\, 3307 S College Ave\, Fort Collins\, CO 80525\, USA SUMMARY:2018 Android: Netrunner Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWe will be holding our Android: Netrunner Store Championship on 1/28/2018. Sign in begins at 12:00 and rounds begin at 1:00. Cost will be $10\, and prizes will include the following:\nTop 32: Alternate art Fis k Investment Seminar.\nTop 8: Custom "\;Smoke"\; deck box.\nTop 4: Playmat featuring "\;Smoke:"\;.\nChampion: Art plaque and Regiona l Championship bye.\nAll decks must meet tournament deckbuilding rules\, i ncluding NAPD Most Wanted List. For more information\, see Appendix A of t he Netrunner Tournament Rules\nWhat is a Store Championship?\nEvery store in good standing has the opportunity to run a single Store Championship fo r each game supported by Organized Play by pre-ordering a kit six months b efore its release. These tournaments are meant to be a highly-accessible i ntroduction to the competitive Championship series of tournaments.\nRelaxe d Tournament Tier: Tournaments at this tier are welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. The focus is on creating a fun and friend ly environment. At the Relaxed tier\, the leaders of the event (organizer\ , marshal\, and/or judge) may play in the event as long as there are two o r more designated leaders.\nBasic Tournament Structure: The Basic tourname nt structure is designed to be very accessible\, especially for newer part icipants. This structure provides a tournament experience that requires a modest commitment of time and resources from organizers and players.\nDepe nding on number of entrants\, this event will most likely include a cut. P lan accordingly.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
We will be holding our Android: Netrunner Store Championship on 1/28 /2018. Sign in begins at 12:00 and rounds begin at 1:00. Cost will be $10\ , and prizes will include the following:
\nTop 32: Alternate art Fis k Investment Seminar.
\nTop 8: Custom "\;Smoke"\; deck box.< /p>\n
Top 4: Playmat featuring "\;Smoke:"\;.
\nChampion: A rt plaque and Regional Championship bye.
\nAll decks must meet tourn ament deckbuilding rules\, including NAPD Most Wanted List. For more infor mation\, see Appendix A of the Netrunner Tournament Rules
\nWhat is a Store Championship?
\nEvery store in good standing has the opportu nity to run a single Store Championship for each game supported by Organiz ed Play by pre-ordering a kit six months before its release. These tournam ents are meant to be a highly-accessible introduction to the competitive C hampionship series of tournaments.
\nRelaxed Tournament Tier: Tourna ments at this tier are welcoming to all players\, regardless of experience level. The focus is on creating a fun and friendly environment. At the Re laxed tier\, the leaders of the event (organizer\, marshal\, and/or judge) may play in the event as long as there are two or more designated leaders .
\nBasic Tournament Structure: The Basic tournament structure is de signed to be very accessible\, especially for newer participants. This str ucture provides a tournament experience that requires a modest commitment of time and resources from organizers and players.
\nDepending on nu mber of entrants\, this event will most likely include a cut. Plan accordi ngly.