BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1123alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180217T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180217T235900 URL: ore-championship LOCATION:18-19/Kingston Quarter/Winchester Circle\, Kingston\, Milton Keyne s MK10 0BA\, UK SUMMARY:Milton Keynes Netrunner Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nWelcome to the 2018 Android: Netrunner Store Championship in Milton Keynes!\nThe format will depend on numbers but will likely be 4-5 r ounds of swiss to a top 4 cut. Registration is from 10:00 am with Round 1 starting at 10:30. Entry is £10 per player. Players of all skill levels a re encouraged to attend.\nPrizes are as follows:\nParticipation: Alt Art F isk Investment Seminar\nTop 8: Deck Boxes\nTop 4: Playmats featuring Smoke artwork\nTop 2: Acrylic Virus Counters\nWinner: Trophy and first round by e at a 2018 Regional\nYou will need to bring a Runner and a Corp deck\, an d the Most Wanted Banned &\; Restricted List will be in effect. Card le gality will be confirmed closer to the event. Decklists are also required\ , with checks being performed throughout the day.\nYou can also purchase t ickets in advance by sending money to though I'm not anticipating that this will sell out. Payment on the day is by cash only. \nDecklists can also be sent to the above email address\, or just bring on the day.\nAny questions please post below.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:


Welcome to the 2018 Android: Netrunner Store Championship in Milton Keynes!


The format will depend on numbers but will likely be 4-5 rounds of swiss to a top 4 cut. Registration is from 10:00 am with Round 1 starting at 10:30. Entry is £10 per player. Players of all skill levels are encouraged to attend.


Prizes are as follows:\nParticipation: A lt Art Fisk Investment Seminar\nTop 8: Deck Boxes\nTop 4: Playmats featuri ng Smoke artwork\nTop 2: Acrylic Virus Counters\nWinner: Trophy and first round bye at a 2018 Regional


You will need to bring a Runner and a Corp deck\, and the Most Wanted Banned &\; Restricted List will be in effect. Card legality will be confirmed closer to the event. Decklists are also required\, with checks being performed throughout the day.\nYou can also purchase tickets in advance by sending money to though I'm not anticipating that this will sell out. Payment on the day i s by cash only.\nDecklists can also be sent to the above email address\, o r just bring on the day.


Any questions please post below.