BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1116alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Tallinn:20180303T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Tallinn:20180303T235900 URL: LOCATION:Paldiski maantee 67\, 10614 Tallinn\, Estonia SUMMARY:Store Championship: Lorien CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Store championship tournament in Lorien\, Tallinn\, Estonia.\nP rizes are as follows:\n\n1st place: lame plaque and regionals BYE\nTop 3: cool Virus tokens\nTop 5: Playmat featuring Smoke/Daily Casts\nTop 9: Deck box featuring Smoke ('cause you need it)\n\nFisk Investment Seminar alt-a rt will be distributed as evenly as possible to all participants.\n**** Ru les and structure of the tournament\nThe structure of the tournament is th e following:\n\n3 or 4 rounds of swiss\, 65 minutes per round. 4 rounds if more than 8 people attend.\nTop 4 double elimination\, if more 13+ people attend.\n\nSchedule:\n\n11:00 registration\n11:30 start of the first roun d\n12:45 lunch break\n14:15 start of the second round\n15:30 start of the third round\n16:45 start of the fourth round\, if 8+ attendants.\n18:00 st art Top 4 double elimination\, if 13+ attendants.\n\nDecklists are not req uired but top 4 decks will be checked\, maybe.\nDecks must be built accord ing to the restrictions specified in the latest NAPD Most Wanted List\, Co re 2.0 is enforced! No siphon baby!\nSovereign Sight will be legal availab le if it reached all the participants home countries!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Store championship tournament in Lorien\, T allinn\, Estonia.


Prizes are as follows:


Fisk Investment Seminar alt-art will be distributed as evenly as possible to all participants.


**** Rules and structure of the tournament


The structure of t he tournament is the following:




Decklists are not required but top 4 decks will be checked\, maybe.\nDecks must be built according to the restr ictions specified in the latest NAPD Most Wanted List\, Core 2.0 is enforc ed! No siphon baby!


Sovereign Sight will be legal available if it reached all the participants home countries!