BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1115alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20180224T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20180224T235900 URL: ip LOCATION:30-32 Westgate\, Burnley BB11 1RT\, UK SUMMARY:Netrunner Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nJoin us for an exciting day of Netrunner with some amazing pr izes on offer. The journey to the World Championship starts here!\nAre you able to advance your agendas whilst guarding your intellectual property f rom the elite and subversive hackers?\nAre you able to break down the wall s of the shadowy corporation and discover their secrets before your cyber- crime is discovered?\nDo you have what it takes to be the best?\nEntry: £ 10\nSwiss rounds with a cut to playoffs.\nDoors open: 11:00am\nRegistratio n closes: 11:50am\nRound one starts: 12pm\nPlease try to have your decklis t filled out ready to hand in when you arrive.\nDecklist sheets can be dow nloaded here: 8830ff50-cb14-409f-9f70-37a94acd300c/netrunner-deck-sheet.pdf\nPRIZES\nCha mpion: The winner receives a Championship art plaque and a card granting o ne first-round bye at 2018 Regional Championship of the player’s choice. \nTop Two - The top two players will each receive a set of acrylic virus t okens..\nTop Four: The top four players will each receive a playmat.\nTop Eight: The top eight players each receive one deck box.\nParticipation: Ev eryone will receive one Fisk Investment Seminar alternate art card for tak ing part.\nTo keep the event comfortable\, the player cap is 16.\nToilet f acilities are available on site as well as soft drinks and snacks.\nOn str eet parking is available nearby.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Join us for an exciting day of Netrunner with some amazing prizes on offer. The journey to the World Championship starts here!

\n< p>Are you able to advance your agendas whilst guarding your intellectual p roperty from the elite and subversive hackers?


Are you able to bre ak down the walls of the shadowy corporation and discover their secrets be fore your cyber-crime is discovered?


Do you have what it takes to be the best?


Entry: £10


Swiss rounds with a cut to playof fs.


Doors open: 11:00am


Registration closes: 11:50am


Round one starts: 12pm


Please try to have your decklist filled out ready to hand in when you arrive.


Decklist sheets can be downl oaded here: 30ff50-cb14-409f-9f70-37a94acd300c/netrunner-deck-sheet.pdf




Champion: The winner receives a Championship art plaque and a car d granting one first-round bye at 2018 Regional Championship of the player ’s choice.


Top Two - The top two players will each receive a set of acrylic virus tokens..


Top Four: The top four players will eac h receive a playmat.


Top Eight: The top eight players each receive one deck box.


Participation: Everyone will receive one Fisk Inves tment Seminar alternate art card for taking part.


To keep the even t comfortable\, the player cap is 16.


Toilet facilities are availa ble on site as well as soft drinks and snacks.


On street parking i s available nearby.