BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1111alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=America/Denver:20180120T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=America/Denver:20180120T235900 URL: pionship LOCATION:7211 W. Colonial St.\, Boise\, ID 83709\, USA SUMMARY:Netrunner Boise Store Championship! CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\n$10 Entry Fee\nSignups @ 12:00 PM\nStart @ 1:00 PM\nJoin us t his Saturday for a chance to prove yourself at the official Boise Netrunne r Store Championship!\nParticipants will all receive at least one copy of Fisk Investment Seminar\, with new full-bleed art created by Nasrul Hakim! Additional prizes\, including other full-art cards and keychains featurin g runner factions\, will also be available!\nThe top 8 players will receiv e a custom cardboard box featuring the runner Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scov ak. Top 4 players will each get a playmat featuring "\;Smoke"\; as well! Top 2 players each get their own set of acrylic virus tokens\, and our Store Champion will be awarded a unique plaque to commemorate their vi ctory\, as well as a Super-bye (a first-round automatic win) for the next Regional Championship that they attend.\nPlayers must bring two decks: One Corporation and one Runner\, as well as provide their own tokens for coun ting credits\, tags\, viruses\, etc. If you might have difficulty providin g any materials (even including cards)\, let our TO (Thomas Bowers) know a nd we'll see what we can do to provide what you need. Please ensure your d eck meets the current restrictions outlined in the most recent Most Wanted List: MWL 2.0\nThis is a family-friendly and new-player-friendly event! D on't be afraid to come by\, even if you've never played Netrunner in perso n in your life. We're all about fun and prizes!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
$10 Entry Fee\nSignups @ 12:00 PM\nStart @ 1:00 PM
\nJoin us t his Saturday for a chance to prove yourself at the official Boise Netrunne r Store Championship!
\nParticipants will all receive at least one c opy of Fisk Investment Seminar\, with new full-bleed art created by Nasrul Hakim! Additional prizes\, including other full-art cards and keychains f eaturing runner factions\, will also be available!
\nThe top 8 playe rs will receive a custom cardboard box featuring the runner Ele "\;Smo ke"\; Scovak. Top 4 players will each get a playmat featuring "\;S moke"\; as well! Top 2 players each get their own set of acrylic virus tokens\, and our Store Champion will be awarded a unique plaque to commem orate their victory\, as well as a Super-bye (a first-round automatic win) for the next Regional Championship that they attend.
\nPlayers must bring two decks: One Corporation and one Runner\, as well as provide thei r own tokens for counting credits\, tags\, viruses\, etc. If you might hav e difficulty providing any materials (even including cards)\, let our TO ( Thomas Bowers) know and we'll see what we can do to provide what you need. Please ensure your deck meets the current restrictions outlined in the mo st recent Most Wanted List: MWL 2.0
\nThis is a family-friendly and new-player-friendl y event! Don't be afraid to come by\, even if you've never played Netrunne r in person in your life. We're all about fun and prizes!