BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1107alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20180128T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/Brussels:20180128T235900 URL: ip LOCATION:Beggaardenstraat 6\, 2000 Antwerpen\, Belgium SUMMARY:Antwerpen Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nHappy New Year Netrunner fans! Let's kick off 2018 and hit th e ground running. Announcing the Antwerp Store Championship at Outpost Gam ecenters!\nThe format will be the usual: four rounds of swiss interrupted by a lunch break\, and then we'll cut to a top four double elimination bra cket. The NAPD Most Wanted List v2.0 with Restricted and Removed cards wil l be in effect barring any updates in the coming weeks (we'll keep you upd ated if there are any changes). Card legality will be up to and including Sovereign Sight unless Down The White Nile miraculously drops by the 21st. Decklists are mandatory.\nEntry fee is €7\,00.\n10:30 // Sign-up and de cklists\n11:00 // Start Tournament\n13:30 // Lunchbreak\n16:30 // Top Cut\ nPrize Support:\nAlt art Fisk Investment Seminar (particiaption)\nSmoke de ckbox (top 8)\nSmoke playmat (top 4)\nAcrylic virus tokens (top 2)\nPlaque + Regionals bye (winner)\nAdditionally\, there will be a special prize fo r the highest ranking player who has played Netrunner for less than a year !\nAdditionally\, the highest ranking player PER FACTION will recieve an a lternate art Aesop's Pawnshop!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Happy New Year Netrunner fans! Let's kick off 2018 and hi t the ground running. Announcing the Antwerp Store Championship at Outpost Gamecenters!


The format will be the usual: four rounds of swiss i nterrupted by a lunch break\, and then we'll cut to a top four double elim ination bracket. The NAPD Most Wanted List v2.0 with Restricted and Remove d cards will be in effect barring any updates in the coming weeks (we'll k eep you updated if there are any changes). Card legality will be up to and including Sovereign Sight unless Down The White Nile miraculously drops b y the 21st. Decklists are mandatory.


Entry fee is €7\,00.

\n< p>10:30 // Sign-up and decklists\n11:00 // Start Tournament\n13:30 // Lunc hbreak\n16:30 // Top Cut


Prize Support:\nAlt art Fisk Investment S eminar (particiaption)\nSmoke deckbox (top 8)\nSmoke playmat (top 4)\nAcry lic virus tokens (top 2)\nPlaque + Regionals bye (winner)


Addition ally\, there will be a special prize for the highest ranking player who ha s played Netrunner for less than a year!


Additionally\, the highes t ranking player PER FACTION will recieve an alternate art Aesop's Pawnsho p!