BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1103alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Adelaide:20180120T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Adelaide:20180120T235900 URL: -tournament LOCATION:18 Stephens Pl\, Adelaide SA 5000\, Australia SUMMARY:Netrunner Revised Core Set tournament CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nHello new players! Did you just get a Revised Core Set? This tournament is for you! We'll be playing with only Revised Core Set cards\, and it'll be a super laid back day.\n(Also\, hi Adelaide regulars\, this will be a fun event for you to\, what deck can you make using the new Revi sed Core Set cardpool? Note that the MWL does not apply\, so you can inclu de both Aesop's and Magnum Opus.)\nYou'll bring a Runner deck and a Corp d eck to play with on the day. When building your decks\, we are allowing up to 3 copies of any card from the Revised Core Set. If you only have one c ore set\, get some card sleeves and you may photocopy a card then slip tha t copy into a sleeve in front of another card. Also\, if you're not sure a bout your decks\, come a bit earlier and bring your whole core set and we can help tweak decks before the tournament begins.\nWe'll play a 3 round t ournament\, and in each round you play a game as Corp and a game as Runner . The usual round time limit is 65 minutes\, we'll allow an extra 10 minut es for new players if needed.\nWe'll also break around 12:30-1pm-ish to gr ab lunch in the food court adjacent.\nAt the end of the day\, everyone wil l walk away with some sweet prizes. The prizes will include: Data &\; D estiny deluxe expansion\, several datapack expansions\, alternate art vers ions of many cards\, deckboxes\, a playmat\, and custom acrylic tokens.\nE ntry is $7.\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Hello new players! Did you just get a Revised Core Set? This tournam ent is for you! We'll be playing with only Revised Core Set cards\, and it 'll be a super laid back day.


(Also\, hi Adelaide regulars\, this will be a fun event for you to\, what deck can you make using the new Revi sed Core Set cardpool? Note that the MWL does not apply\, so you can inclu de both Aesop's and Magnum Opus.)


You'll bring a Runner deck and a Corp deck to play with on the day. When building your decks\, we are allo wing up to 3 copies of any card from the Revised Core Set. If you only hav e one core set\, get some card sleeves and you may photocopy a card then s lip that copy into a sleeve in front of another card. Also\, if you're not sure about your decks\, come a bit earlier and bring your whole core set and we can help tweak decks before the tournament begins.


We'll pl ay a 3 round tournament\, and in each round you play a game as Corp and a game as Runner. The usual round time limit is 65 minutes\, we'll allow an extra 10 minutes for new players if needed.


We'll also break aroun d 12:30-1pm-ish to grab lunch in the food court adjacent.


At the e nd of the day\, everyone will walk away with some sweet prizes. The prizes will include: Data &\; Destiny deluxe expansion\, several datapack exp ansions\, alternate art versions of many cards\, deckboxes\, a playmat\, a nd custom acrylic tokens.


Entry is $7.