BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1101alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20180324T103000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Australia/Brisbane:20180324T235900 URL: -championship LOCATION:74 Little Edward St\, Spring Hill QLD 4000\, Australia SUMMARY:Goood Games Brisbane Store Championship CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\nStore Championships for Android: Netrunner provide you with a great opportunity to test out your newest decks and toy with all the new tricks available to your Corps and Runners.\nThey're also a step up from t he Critical Run events supported by the regular Android: Netrunner tournam ent kits\, and as a result\, they don't just come with local bragging righ ts\; they also come with a hefty bundle of exclusive prizes.\nEntry Fee: $ 20\nDate: 11/02/18\nRegistration: 10:30am\nEvent Start: 11:00am\nPrizes:\n Top 32: Alternate art Fisk Investment Seminar. When you take Fisk's advice \, the Runner wins. The Corp wins\, too. Everybody wins! It's just up to y ou to make sure you win more.\nTop 8: Custom deck box. While Laramy Fisk m ay be happy to use his fame as sleight-of-hand\, drawing attention away fr om his illicit activities\, the Shaper known as "\;Smoke"\; is all about Stealth. She's shown her face on her daily casts\, as well as this deck box\, but it's her ability to conduct runs cleanly—without leaving traces of her activity—that allows her to remain a free woman.\nTop 4: P laymat featuring Smoke. There are two primary dimensions to Android: Netru nner—the meat world and the virtual realm. The place where things are ph ysically present and the place where digital activities occur. In your fac e and behind the scenes… This dichotomy comes to life in vibrant colors with the Top 4 playmat\, which features Smoke behind the scenes and projec ted larger-than-life while delivering her daily casts.\nTop 2: Set of acry lic virus tokens. Infest corporate servers in style with these custom\, re d-and-gold acrylic virus tokens. The biohazard symbol ensures there's no m istaking them for credits\, advancement tokens\, or power tokens. In fact\ , they're so clear and loud and "\;in your face"\; that they make it all the more amusing to watch the Corp struggle to decide whether or no t it's worth spending an entire turn just to purge them.\nChampion: Art pl aque and Regional Championship bye. Commemorate your victory—and your un paralleled dominance of the network—with an art plaque featuring Ele &qu ot\;Smoke"\; Scovak\, and carry your victory forward by turning it int o a free first-round bye at your Android: Netrunner Regional Championship. There\, you can continue your runs against the corps… possibly even to help them invest more shrewdly!\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Store Championships for Android: Netrunner provide you with a great opportunity to test out your newest decks and toy with all the ne w tricks available to your Corps and Runners.


They're also a step up from the Critical Run events supported by the regular Android: Netrunne r tournament kits\, and as a result\, they don't just come with local brag ging rights\; they also come with a hefty bundle of exclusive prizes.

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Entry Fee: $20\nDate: 11/02/18\nRegistration: 10:30am\nEvent Start: 11 :00am\nPrizes:


Top 32: Alternate art Fisk Investment Seminar. When you take Fisk's advice\, the Runner wins. The Corp wins\, too. Everybody wins! It's just up to you to make sure you win more.\nTop 8: Custom deck b ox. While Laramy Fisk may be happy to use his fame as sleight-of-hand\, dr awing attention away from his illicit activities\, the Shaper known as &qu ot\;Smoke"\; is all about Stealth. She's shown her face on her daily c asts\, as well as this deck box\, but it's her ability to conduct runs cle anly—without leaving traces of her activity—that allows her to remain a free woman.\nTop 4: Playmat featuring Smoke. There are two primary dimen sions to Android: Netrunner—the meat world and the virtual realm. The pl ace where things are physically present and the place where digital activi ties occur. In your face and behind the scenes… This dichotomy comes to life in vibrant colors with the Top 4 playmat\, which features Smoke behin d the scenes and projected larger-than-life while delivering her daily cas ts.\nTop 2: Set of acrylic virus tokens. Infest corporate servers in style with these custom\, red-and-gold acrylic virus tokens. The biohazard symb ol ensures there's no mistaking them for credits\, advancement tokens\, or power tokens. In fact\, they're so clear and loud and "\;in your face "\; that they make it all the more amusing to watch the Corp struggle to decide whether or not it's worth spending an entire turn just to purge them.\nChampion: Art plaque and Regional Championship bye. Commemorate you r victory—and your unparalleled dominance of the network—with an art p laque featuring Ele "\;Smoke"\; Scovak\, and carry your victory fo rward by turning it into a free first-round bye at your Android: Netrunner Regional Championship. There\, you can continue your runs against the cor ps… possibly even to help them invest more shrewdly!