BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P12H BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1072alwaysberunningnet DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20171209T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE STATUS:CONFIRMED DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20171209T235900 URL: LOCATION:74 Goodramgate\, York YO1 7LF\, UK SUMMARY:ChkDsk Rebooted CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:\n\nDate: 9th December 2017\nFormat: Standard\, MWL 2.0 Core 2. 0*\nSwiss with t4 double elmin if we get enough players (16)\nPrice: £5\ nLocation: Travelling Man York\nDoors Open: 10am\nReg: 11am\nRound 1: Noon \nPrizes: As it's both our xmas event and our reboot event prizes will be slightly more generous than usual of:\nWinner: Playmat\, Sunny\, Omar\n2nd : Sunny + Omar\n3rd - 4th: Omar\nEveryone: Team Sponsorship + Mushin + Dat a Raven\n(I was told Pads are rather common. You can still take one over s unny if you wish)\nSpot Prizes throughout the day of: Click Trackers and Older promos.\nSpace is plentiful but please register your intrest in this page.\nMWL 2: 1/3241fdfd-014f-482f-b01d-b6f102584d7b/adn_mwl_v20.pdf\nCoreset 2 list: ht tps:// 02a-acf3-6e051613e4ca/adn49_cardlist.pdf (This list replaces Core 1\, gene sis and spin cycle)\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:



Date: 9th December 2017\nFormat: Standard\, MWL 2. 0 Core 2.0*\nSwiss with t4 double elmin if we get enough players (16)\nPr ice: £5\nLocation: Travelling Man York\nDoors Open: 10am\nReg: 11am\nRoun d 1: Noon


Prizes: As it's both our xmas event and our reboot event prizes will be slightly more generous than usual of:


Winner: Play mat\, Sunny\, Omar\n2nd: Sunny + Omar\n3rd - 4th: Omar\nEveryone: Team Spo nsorship + Mushin + Data Raven


(I was told Pads are rather common. You can still take one over sunny if you wish)


Spot Prizes throug hout the day of: Click Trackers and Older promos.


Space is plenti ful but please register your intrest in this page.


MWL 2: https:// 1d-b6f102584d7b/adn_mwl_v20.pdf


Coreset 2 list: https://images-cdn 3e4ca/adn49_cardlist.pdf (This list replaces Core 1\, genesis and spin cyc le)